Thursday 24 December 2020

Chapter 5. A PRESIDENT Speaks




Q. 1. Who wrote the chapter ‘A President Speaks’?

Ans. Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam.

Q. 2. How many visions does Dr. Kalam have for India?

Ans. Three visions — Freedom, Development and Strength.

Q. 3. What is Dr. Kalam's third vision for India?

Ans. India must stand up to the world. Het

Q. 4. When did India get its first vision of freedom?

Ans. In 1857 when the war of independence was started.

Q. 5. Dr Kalam got the opportunity to work with three great mind'.  Give their names.

Ans. Dr Vikram Sarabhai, Dr Brahm Prakash and Prof. Satish Dhawan.

Q. 6. What has every dog owner in America and Japan to do?

Ans. They themselves have to clean the droppings of their pets.

Q. 7. What do we expect from the railways?

Ans. To provide us clean bathrooms.

Q. 8. Why do we run to the foreign countries?

Ans. To enjoy a secure and prosperous life.


A1- People from all over the world have come and invaded India.

A2- India got its first vision of freedom in the revolt of 1857.

A3- Kalam’s second vision for India is development.

A4- Because he knew that strength respects strength.

A5- India is at number one in milk production and remote sensing satellites in the world.

A6- India is the second largest country in the world in respect of the production of wheat and rice.

A7- In Singapore we behave like common people there and do not display our status.

A8- We don’t dare to eat in public during Ramadan,in Dubai.

A9- He told Kalam that rich people’s dog are walked on the streets to leave their waste dropping.

A10. Every dog owner has to clean up the waste droppings of his pet in America and Japan.

A11. We expect the railways to give us clean bathrooms and the airlines, the best of food and toilets.

A12. We make loud protests against them in our drawing room but continue to do the reverse in practical life.

Long -Answers-

A1- Kalam has three visions for India. His first vision for India is freedom. People from all over the world have come and invaded India. His second vision for India is Development. He says that we have to India a developed and self-reliant (AwqminBr) nation. Kalam’s third vision for India is Strength. He says that no one respects a weak person or a weak country. Only strength respects strength.

A4- In this lesson, the President tells us about his visions of India. Kalam has three visions for India- Freedom, Development and Strength. He advises that we should work for the betterment of India. We should stop blaming the government. We should not run after foreign goods. Each of us improve himself and not blame the others.

A5- The Social Responsibility is the responsibility of every citizen towards his society and the country. We all are a part of society. The society gives us security to work and live peacefully. In return of these faveours, we must perform our social responsibility sincerely. We must keep our surroundings clean. We must respect the laws of the society. To fight against social evils is the duty of all citizens. We have so many problems related to women, dowry, girl child and others. It’s our responsibility to fight against them and finish them. Nobody from outside is going to come and do it for us.

Vocabulary Ex’s Pg-43

1. Matching (W/M)

1. Vision dream picture 6. Alien foreign, not native

2. Nurture bring up 7. Pamper love or praise


3. Remote distant 8. Rescue save

4. Obsession craze, extreme liking 9. Conscience voice of the soul

5. Absolute complete 10. Introspection self analysis

2. Form Verbs-


Ans- i. Conquer vi succeed

ii. develop vii. Produce

iii. grow viii. examine

iv.achieve ix. choose

v. strengthen x. govern

Grammar Ex’s Pg-44

Ex-1 Modal


Ans- 1. Should 2. Could 3. Might 4. May 5. would

Ex-2 Voice


Ans-1. Your offer cannot be accepted by me.

2. I was asked technical questions by the panel.

3. It is matter of sorrow that her voice will be heard no more by us.

4. When will your fees be paid by you?

5. Studies are condemned by crafty men.

Ex-3 Blanks (correct form of verbs)

1. do not live (Simple Simple Present tense) 4. has not bought (Present Perfect


2. saves (Simple Present tense) 5. carried (Simple Past tense)

3. accepted (Simple Past tense)

Questions: 1 – 10


Compete the information beow.





In 3000 years of history, India was invaded by

 the Greeks

 the Turks

 1 ___________

 the Portuguese

 2 ___________

 3 ___________

 the Dutch


Yet, we have not done this to any other nation.

Kalam’s three visions for India

 First vision: 4 ___________

He believed that India got its first vision of freedom in 5 ________ when the war of independence started.

 Second vision: 6 __________

It is time to see India as a developed nation. Poverty 7 ___________ are falling. Achievements are being

8 _________ recognized.

 Third vision: 9 _________ to the word.

Only strength respects 10 _________.




A         Once in an interview, the famous ex-municipal commissioner of Bombay (Mumbai), Mr. Tinaikar had a point to make. “Rich people’s dogs are walked on the streets to leave their affluent droppings all over the place,” he said.

“And then the same people turn around to criticize and blame the authorities for inefficiency and dirty pavements.

B. What do they expect the officers to do? Go down with a broom every time their dog feels the pressure in his bowels. In America every dog owner has to clean up after his pet has done the job. Same in Japan. Will the

Indian citizens do that here?”

C. We go to the polls to choose a government and after that forfeit all responsibility. We expect the government to do everything for us. We expect the government to clean up but we are not going to stop chucking garbage all over the place.

D         We expect the railways to provide clean bathrooms but we are not going to learn the proper use of bathrooms. We want Indian Airlines and Air India to provide the best of food and toiletries but we are not going to stop pilfering at the least opportunity.

E          When it comes to burning social issues like those related to women, dowry, girl child and others, we make loud drawing room protestations and continue to do the reverse at home. Our excuse?


Questions 1–5


Choose the correct synonyms of the words given in the brackets.


We 1___________________ (go to the polls to choose) a government and after that 2 _____________ (forfeit) a responsibility. We expect the government to do everything for us. We 3 _________ (expect) the government to 4 _________ (clean) up but we are not going to stop 5 _________ (chucking) garbage a over the pace.


A tidy            B elect          C throwing               D give up                  E Look for



Questions: 6 – 10


The above Reading passage has five paragraphs, A – E.


Choose which paragraph contains the following information.


Write the correct number, i – v, in boxes 6 – 10 on your

Answer sheet.


i giving up responsibility after polls

ii social issues

iii a point made in an interview

iv examples of other countries

v do not earn the proper use of bathrooms


6 Paragraph A __________________

7 Paragraph B __________________

8 Paragraph C __________________

9 Paragraph D __________________

10 Paragraph E __________________




l What are the good qualities of a responsible citizen? How do you keep your surroundings clean?