Sunday 24 January 2021




One Word or One Line Questions

 Q. 1. Name the types of letters.

 Ans. (i) Internal Letter, (ii) External Letter.

Q. 2. What is included in physical characteristics of a letter

 Ans. Quality paper, Quality typing, Envelops, Spacing the lines etc.

Q. 3. Name the types of Business letters.

 Ans. Official letters, Enquiry letters, Credit Collection letters, Advertising letters, follow up letters etc.

 Q. 4. What is E-mail ?

Ans. E-mail is technique to send mails through electronic media using internet.

Q. 5. Name the different parts of E-mail.

Ans. (i) Header, (ii) Message Body, (iii) Signature.

Q. 6. What is Report?

Ans. Report is a communication from someone who has to inform to someone who wants to use that information.

 Q. 7. Name various types of reports.

 Ans. Statutory and Non-Statutory Reports, Formal, Informal Special, Routine Reports etc.

 Fill in the blanks

1. The form of salutation depends upon the degree of understanding  between two officers. (Understanding, personal relationship)

2. The body of letter  is the main part of an official letter. (signature, the body of letter)

 3.  Goodwill letters are helpful in creating close relationship and sincerity between two parties  (Goodwill, Follow up)

 4. Password should be kept secret in using E-mail services. (E-mail Id, Password)

Ans. 1. understanding 2. body of letter 3. Goodwill 4. Password

True or False

1. The letter should be written in a correct business language. True

 2. The complimentary close is 'Yours Sincerely' and not 'Yours Faithfully'. True

3. The order cannot be refused if goods are dispatched after the date by which delivery was demanded. False

4. On Internet, junk mail is called "Spam". True

5. Statutory reports are prepared in prescribed form to fulfill the legal True requirements.

 Ans. 1. True, 2. True. 3. False, 4. True, 5. True.


1.Language" characteristic of a letter includes

(a) Careful Punctuations (c) Correct Spelling

(b) Use of Capitals (d) All of the above

2. How many methods are available for dictating letters ?

 (a) Two (b) Three (c) Four (d) Five

3. First e-mail message is sent by an engineer named (a) Charles Barbage (b) Ray Tomilson (c) Eudora (d) George

4. E-mail address is divided into two parts named

(a) User's Name (b) Service Provider

 (c) POP  (d) Both a and b

Ans. 1. (d), 2. (c), 3. (b), 4. (d)