Monday 18 January 2021






Our Earth is aged about 2/3 of the age of the Universe. Scientific indicators put the age of earth nearly 4.54 billion years while life on Earth originated around 1 billion years ago. Life on our Earth 1s combination of around 26 chemical elements. Out of these six basic chemical elements are Carbon, Hydrogen, Nitrogen, Oxygen,Phosphorus and Sulphur which are responsible for 95% part of total constitution of life. Meaning there by
that these six elements are bases of life on Earth.


As a student of Geography, our relation with Universe begins with the query that what is the position of Earth in the Universe because definition of Geography itself is related to the Earth. Earth is one of the eight planets of this universe where life is possible. These eight planets have around 150 satellites also which revolve round their respective planets.


Origin of Earth is incomplete just as that of the Universe. It is presumed that Universe was created after the great explosion, known as Big Bang. This explosion occurred around 13.7 billion years back.Another theory about the origin of Universe goes as a big dust and gas laiden cloud called Nebula got condensed about 4.5 to 5 billion years

ago. This condensation caused revolution of Nebula and it further cooled down due to convectional activity. As it condensed and shrank,bulges got created init and they got separated in shape of rings which are found as planets. Sun is also one of such rings. All the planets now revolve round the sun while rings separated from planets which are

known as satellites revolve round their respective planets. Nebula theory was presented by French mathematician, Marquis de Laplace (23 March 1749— 5 March 1827) in 1796 A.D. According to which sun,planets and satellites have come into form out of Nebula only.

The thinkers other than Laplace who gave their own theories about formation of

Universe are; Emmanuel Kant,Chamberlane & Molten. James Jeans and Harold Jaffery supported Chamberlane’s theory. By 1950

Otto Schmidt of Russia and Carl

Friedrich von Weizsicker of Germany made some changes in Nebula Hypothesis and gave an idea that sun was surrounded by

Nebula which was constituted by

Hydrogen, Helium and Dust particles principally. These particles gradually formed a saucer shaped cloud. But most recognised theory about evolution of Earth remains Big Bang Theory only.

Edwin Powell Hubble (November 20, 1889 — September 28,1953) gave proofs of continuous expansion of Universe in 1920. By 1950 to 1960 this theory was

recognised and it was proved by 1972.

The Cosmic Background Explorer

(CoBE) gave evidences that all the

constituents of Universe’ were

stationery in form of tiny ball type dots and a great explosion occurred around


13.7 Billion (Around 1375 crore) years ago. It was with in three minutes

of first Big Bang that first ever cell was formed. Great explosion gave

birth to Galaxies, Stars and Planets. As universe expanded, galaxies (ike Milky Way), stars and planets withered away from one another. All these celestial bodies owe their birth to single ball of fire.Statistical data of the Earth :

Our Earth is fifth largest planet in the solar system.


1. Diameter

Equatorial Diameter — 12,756 km

Polar Diameter — 12,714 km


2. Circumference

Equatorial Circumference — 40,077 km

Polar Circumference — 40,009 km


3. Surface Area

Total —510 million (51 crore) sq. Km

— 29% covered by continents

— 71% covered by oceans


4. Volume — 10,00,000 millioncu. Km


5. Mass — 5.98 x 10?! metric ton


6. Density —5.52g/cm3


7. Rotation Period — 23 hours, 56 minutes & 4.09 seconds


8. Orbit Period — 365 days & 6 hours

Solar system consists of Sun and those celestial bodies which form common family because of gravitational force. This family however includes eight planets, 166 satellites, 5 dwarf planets,billions of small celestial bodies and various comets, shooting stars,asteroids and other particles etc.


Early thinkers were of the view that not only Earth but all the planets owe their origin to Sun. There are various stars resembling to Sun in the Universe. All these stars have their respective planets revolving round them. On same pattern Sun also has various planets.

The early thinkers named these celestial bodies as ‘wanderers’. They named these wandering planets after various Roman gods and goddesses.


Jupiter — King of gods


Mars — God of war


Mercury — Messenger of the gods


Venus — Goddess of love and beauty


Saturn — Father of Jupiter & God of Agriculture


(Planets mentioned above are easily visible from earth while those mentioned next may be seen with telescopic help only)


Uranus — Located in 1781, God of Heavens


Neptune — Located in 1846, God of Seas


Pluto — Located in 1930, now declared dwarf planet


D= Mass per Unit / Volume


Our Universe contains 176 billion (one billion = 100 crores)constellations (group of stars) and each constellation includes hundreds of billion stars. The constellation in which Sun exists, is so big that from the core of constellation, light takes around 27 thousand years to reach up to sun. The solar system which is part of Milky Way galaxy is in

disc-shaped spiral form.


Light Year :Light Year is a distance that light travels in one year at velocity of 3,00,000 km/sec.


Thus a light year means; 3,00,000 x 365 (days) x 24 (hours) x 60(minutesO x 60 (seconds) = 94,60,80,00,000 km.


Sun : Sun rotates round its axis from West to East. About 99.85% mass

of solar system lies with sun only whereas planets constitute — 0.135%,

comets — 0.01%, satellites —0.00005%, dwarf planets — 0.000002%,shooting stars — 0.0000001 % and inter planetary medium consists of 0.0000001 % of the rest of mass.


As already mentioned sun is not stationery and completes one rotation round its own axis in 25 days. One rotation of sun takes 25 days (of Earth) if observed from the equator while if we observe it from its poles, each rotation of sun takes 36 days. The rotation of sun was observed by Galileo first of all.


tar Profile o un Age = 4.6 billion years

Type = Yellow dwarf Diameter = 13,92,684 km Circumference at its Equator = 43,70,005.6 km Mass = 3,33,060 x Earth

Surface temp = 5500°C One million Earths may fit inside a sun.


Sun is source of light, heat, energy and hfe on our Earth.Normally looking pale, this spherical ball of fire has 13 lakh multiples more volume than that of Earth and 3.25 lakh times more weight.Pressure of gaseous material on its centre is 200 billion multiples more than the pressure of air, Earth experiences while density of gases is 150 times more than that of water. Temperature of sun is 50 lakh degrees Kelvin (one Kelvin is equal to one degree on Celsius scale).


Do you know ?

Each black spot on sun is 25 to 30 mes bigger thn the size of Earth and 10 thousand times more powerful magnet than that of Earth.


Hydrogen in form of Plasma turns into Helium at this temperature. This fusion gives birth to energy. The quantum of such produced energy may be imagined from the fact that fusion produced

energy in one second is more than as much mankind has used on Earth

till date. This fusion is continuous process on the surface of Sun.Gravity of Sun is 28 times more than that of earth and black spots visible on sun are actually very powerful magnetic regions. Each magnetic regions of sun is more than 10 thousand times more powerful

than magnetic power of Earth. Actual size of each black spot may be lakhs of square kilometers. Temperature at photosphere of sun is only 6000° Kelvin while ends of chromospheres experience it 10 thousand degree. At corona this temperature varies from 10 lakh Kelvin to SO lakh Kelvin. Continuous winds blow at the surface of sun at speed of

800 to 900 kilometer per second and these may prove dangerous for Earth at times. These winds have their fatal affect on Ionosphere. Solar storms disturb communication system on Earth. Many a times, power grids get destroyed or seized because of disturbance at the surface of Sun.


Planets :Planet is a Greek word which means, Wanderer. All the planets

are spherical and are total eight in number. We can group these planets

in two, that is:-


Inner planets are those planets which are nearer to sun as compared to others. Secondly their relief constitution includes rocks and metals. These planets are known as terrestrial planets

also. Namely these planets are; Mercury, Venus, Earth & Mars.


Outer planets are beyond asteroids and are constituted of gases,popularly known as Gas Giants. These are; Jupiter, Saturn,Uranus and Neptune.




Earth Inner Planets


The Asteroids


Saturn Outer Planets




The planets do not have any light of their own but these illuminate by reflecting sunlight and are visible at nght. In the sequence of their distance from sun, these may be retented from initial alphabets of words in this sentence; My Very Efficient Mother Just Served Us Nuts.


1. Mercury : This planet is not only smallest one but also lies closest

to Sun. It does not have atmosphere of its own and is engulfed by blasts taking place because of Sun. Its core is made of iron and has this part larger than crust. It is presumed that this crust reduced due to some comet accident. Mercury lies some 579 million (57crore 90 lakh) kilometer away from Sun and its average temperature varies between 420°C during day to -180°C at night. It completes its revolution around Sun in 88 days while takes 58 days and 16 hours

to complete its one rotation on its axis. Galileo founded Mercury in

1631 which has no satellite.


2. Venus : This is arocky celestial body like Earth and second planet if

counted serial vise from Sun. It completes its revolution round sun is

224.7 days while takes 243 long days to complete its rotation round its own axts from East to West. All the other planets rotate around their axis from West to East. This hottest planet is second most

glittering celestial body, first being the Moon. Also known as sister

planet of Earth, Venus resembles to it in shape, size and gravity. It

has a number of volcanoes just like Earth and its surface has been

formed because of volcanic eruptions. Its atmosphere consists of Carbon dioxide (96.5%) and Nitrogen. That is why it is called “Veiled planet’ also. Venus lies nearly 1082 million kilometers away from Sun.


3. Earth : Our mother planet's name has not been derived from Greek or Roman language but from old English and Germanic. According to International Astronomical Union ([AU) biggest among Inner planets, Earth is only planet which has Geological activity taking

place in its core. Its atmosphere is also quite different to that of other

planets as it consists of 77% Nitrogen and 21% Oxygen which gives it a name of “blue planet’. Earth is only planet where life exists.Situated nearly 14.96 crore kilometers away from sun. The earth completes a rotation round its axis in 23 hours, 56 minutes and 4.09

seconds (approximately 24 hours) while to revolve around the sun, it takes 365 days 5 hours and 48 minutes. It has a satellite named Moon.


4. Mars : Known as the Red Planet, Mars is fourth planet of our solar system as counted from Sun. Its soil has very rich iron content and because of Ferrus content it looks red. As far its rotation on axis is concerned, it has similarity with Earth and it supports various seasons also. Mars is a cold planet which has thin atmosphere. Its

one rotation on its axis is completed in 24 hours, 37 minutes and 23 seconds while its revolution against sun takes 687 days. Having two satellites, Mars is pleaced around 2279 lakh kilometer away from sun.


Do you know?

ISRO’s Mars Orbiter Mission got rare success on 24th day of September, 2014 when its Orbiter set itself as artificial satellite of Mars. India spent just 450 crores on the mission which is 10th part of what U.S. spent on its first Mars mission.

The success of India to plant its Orbiter in orbit of Mars in its just first attempt has made it a proneer and an exceptional one. Mars is only planet other than Earth which has tce-caps on its poles which have been named as Planum Boreum (North Pole) and Planum Australe (South

Pole) or Southern Cap. The spacecraft that reached in the orbit of Mars

is named 440 Newton Liquid Apogee Motor (LAM).


5. Jupiter : First beyond the Asteroids, Jupiter is fifth planet of our solar system and is the biggest planet. This planet is one of the Gas Giants and has 1280 kilometer wide atmosphere composed of gases hike Methane, Ammonia, Hydrogen and Helium. It revolves a round the sun in anti-clockwise direction and completes one revolution in 12 years. Its rotation on its axis is very fast and completes one in just 10 hours causing severely blowing winds. These winds look like multi-coloured cloud belts. Jupiter is tilted on its axis at 3.1° and has more than 60 satellites. Most of the satellites are unknown for

mankind as far information about them is concerned.


6. Saturn : The sixth from sun and second largest planet in solar system is Saturn. Situated some 1,431 million kilometers (More than 143 crore km) away from Sun, it is constituted of iron and nickel principally. Completing its rotation on its axis in 10 hours and 41

minutes, it makes one revolution around Sun in 29.5 years. Its swift rotation gives rise to winds at the speed of 1800 kilometers per hour.Speed of winds on Saturn is higher than that on Jupiter but lesser than that on Neptune. There are nine rings around Saturn which

from three arcs around it. These rings are made of frozen ice and rocks. It has around 62 satellites and biggest among them 1s Titan which is almost double the size of Moon. The atmosphere of Titan is

thicker than that of Earth.


7. Uranus : This is seventh planet of our Solar System and third largest planet. Its size is 63 multiples bigger than earth but in weight itis only 14.5 multiples than that of Earth. Constituted of gases,Uranus has coldest atmosphere as compared to all the planets and has an average temperature of —223°C. Many layers of clouds are

found on Uranus. Higher cloud formation consists of Methane gas while lower formation consists of water. Speed of winds on this planet is 250 meters per second while it is tilted at 97.77° on its axis. Revolving round sun in anti-clockwise direction, it completes one

revolution in 84 years while for completing one rotation around its

axis, it takes 10 hours and 48 minutes.


8. Neptune : Neptune resembles to Uranus as seen in the Solar System. But it 1s smaller than Uranus and its surface is more condense. Presence of Methane gas makes it look green. Winds blow

at speed of 2100 kilometers per hour in the atmosphere of this planet. The planet consists of around 900 full circles and various incomplete arcs. Situated approximately 4,498 million kilometer away from Sun, it completes one rotation its axis in 16 hours and a

revolution around sun in 164.8 years. Neptune has 13 satellites while Triton and Neried are two main satellites.


Do you know ?

When Hydrogen gas turns into heavier atoms of helium as constituent of a star, its density increases to the extent that it blasts,turns into ash and vanishes.

There are various dwarf planets in our solar system, out of which only five have been recognised.


1. Pluto (Earlier know as ninth planet, was declared dwarf in August, 2006)


2. Ceres


3. Eris


4, Make make


5. Heumea

 Satellites :Satellites are of two types, manmade and natural. Satellites are actually celestial objects that revolve around some other celestial object. Natural satellites rotate on their axis also. They neither have atmosphere nor light of their own but due to reflection of sunlight, they

look illuminated.


Manmade satellites are made of aluminium or plastic and are hardened with help of carbonic sheets. They travel at the speed which is 10 to 30 multiples more than that of an aircraft. Humankind has been benefitted extremely by manmade satellites in fields of telecommunications, weather forecasting, geological activities and atmospheric activities among other fields. India fired its first satellite named Arya Bhat in 1975 and since than, we have sent more than 75 satellites into the orbit.


Moon is natural satellite of our Earth. It is around 3,84,403 kilometers away from Earth and takes 27.3 days to complete its revolution around Earth. As yet mankind has touched only this celestial body i.e. Moon on 21st July 1969. Atmosphere of Moonis so thin that it weighs only104 kilograms and gravity is only one sixth part of the gravity of Earth.


Do you know?

Lunar eclipse is a state of Sun, Earth and Moon, when shadow of earth falls on Moon. This condition happens on full moon days only. We ad an important full moon day and total eclipse on 8th October, 2014 oon looked red (Blood Moon) on that day but this characteristic was isible in North and North-East India, North America and Australi only. This celestial fete shall again be visible in 2018.


Asteroids or Planetoids :These are small planets, too smaller than planets of Solar System but bigger than Asteroids. These celestial bodies revolve round the sun in anti-clockwise direction. These rocky bodies are numerous and most

of these are concentrated between Mars and Jupiter. Five of them namely Ceres, Pallas, Vesta, Hypiea and Euphrosyne have been recognised. European Space Agency has found water vapour on Ceres

on 22nd January, 2014.


Comets :The word comet is derived from Latin word ‘Stella Cometa’which means “hairy star’. These celestial bodies were part of sun earlier and are made of frozen gases, ice and small rocky substances. Head of cometis 16 million kilometers in diameter and is followed by cloud of misty substance looking like a tail. This tail is also lakhs of kilometer long. Tail is never towards sun facing side of comet and shines with

rays from Sun. Comet which passed through Solar System was first seen in 1705 and it passes close to sun after every 75.5 years. English scientist Edmond Halley founded it and it was therefore named Halley’s Comet. Comets are being traced regularly. Their total number was 5,186 in August, 2014. Halley’s Comet was seenin 1910, then in 1986 and next it shall be sighted in 2062. Nucleus of Halley’s Comet is 16 x

8x 8 kilometers and it is the darkest object in solar system. This comet

is periodical one and may be sighted at specific intervals but all the comets are not periodical.


Meteors or Meteorites :One can see a streak of star light in the sky sometimes, it gives an impression that any part of star has broken away. These are actually meteorites. Parts of meteontes that remain unburnt and reach our Earth in small parts are named as meteorites. When these enter the

atmosphere of Earth, burn out immediately and vanish in shape of ash

most of times. A part of Arizona desert in U.S. is known to have come into form due to striking of some meteor. There are, however, various principles about formation of meteors. Some thinkers part them parts of planet which has vanished while others say these are parts of Sun, Earth and Moon only.


Indian Museum at Kolkatais known for preserving remains of meteors. Biggest such museum in Asia, it has 468 meteor parts. Their study has concluded that meteors are made of metals like iron, nickel,aluminium, oxygen and tin. These get attracted towards Earth because

of gravity of Earth. On April 21, 2013 a meteor shower was observed in many parts of the world in which more than 20 shooting stars were seen within an hour. This shower is known as Orionid Meteor Shower. Such wonderful sights are very common in our solar system.


et us do something :Gather information about UFOs (Unidentified Flying Objects

prepare a report about them.



Our Earth is fifth biggest planet and is placed third as counted from sun. Ours is only planet where life is possible. Itis spherical object with a diameter of around 13,000 kilometers. As compared to other celestial bodies, Earth has a smaller entity while for mankind it is far much bigger. It may be divided in various physiographic units. Highest

point on the Earth is Mount Everest (8,848 meters) while deepest point

is Mariana Trench (11,030 meters) in Pacific Ocean.


Do you know ?

“Geodesy” is a branch of science, responsible for measuring the Earth’s size & shape with the help of surveys and mathematical calculations etc.


Some 2600 years back, Greek thinkers gave an idea for the first time that Earth ts spherical. Earlier Babylonian thought put its shape as crescent while Thales gave an idea in 600 B.C. as if earth was like round table top and floating over water. Eingremendore condemned table top idea and put it as cylindrical object which is rotating on its axis. Philnolsh was first philosopher who gave an idea that Earth is round while Eratosthenes, the Director of Greek Library measured the

circumference of Earth with the help of Sun rays. He checked the angle of Sunrays at city of Alexandria in the noon and then angle of Sunrays at city of Syene which is 960 kilometers away. From these readings he came to the conclusion that circumference of Earth is around 43,000 kilometers. This measurement is quite close to the exact measurement of 40,000 kilometers.


Earth is not exact sphere. Its cross section at equator divides it exactly but cross section from poles does not bring same results which prove that itis a bit flat at poles. Therefore it is oblate spheroid and is known as Geoid. Indian mathematician Arya Bhat (476 A.D. to 556 A.D.) also was of the view that Earth is spherical and its circumference

is 4,967 yajnas, which of calculated at present measures to 39,968 kilometers and more exact to present day calculations.


Shape of earth proves more clear by some other ways and simple experiments also which are given as:-


1. Experiment of sailing ship : As we observe an approaching ship in some sea, we cannot see whole of it at first sight, rather we see its top first of alli.e. chimney portion then central portion and gradually whole of the ship appears. It happens so because Earth is round and not flat. Had our Earth been flat, we could have seen whole of

approaching ship at first sight itself.


2. Shadow of Earth during Lunar eclipse : Lunar eclipse is a celestial stage when shadow of Earth covers moon. This shadow is visibly round, proving that earth is spherically round. It was Greek

thinkers who draw attention of the world towards this fact.


3. Time of Sunrise : Time of sun rise varies with the change of place,

means sunrise in eastern nations is earlier than that of western nations. Had our Earth been flat, Sun would have risen at same time at all the places. This proves that Earth ts round.

4. Size of shadows: If we install two or various poles in right angled position, we find that sizes of their shadows differ as compared to the distance of poles itself. This proves that Earth is geoid as had been flat, size of shadows would have been same.


5. Times Zones: We have 24 different time zones on our Earth. When there is noon in Hawaii islands, Middle East nations experience midnight at that moment, proving the shape of Earth.


6. Pictures from space: We have various pictures of Earth which have been taken from the space, directly proving that Earth is geoid.


7. Going round the Earth: If a person starts going round the Earth from a point, having not changed his direction reaches the same place on completing his journey. Had the Earth flat, one would have needed to change his directions many a times. It proves that Earth is



8. Size of horizon: While standing in an open ground, we can observe horizon where Earth and sky seem to meet. When we look at same horizon from some height, it looks broader and farther also. It proves that Earth is geoid, had it been flat size of horizon would not

have changed.


9. Positioning of Sun rays : According to a simple observation,persons living near the Equator find high temperature of sunrays while those living near poles find lesser temperature as sunrays lie

slanting for Polar Regions. This happens only in geoid shapes and cannot happen so in case of flat shapes.


Earth had its 71% portion covered with water and therefore when observed from the space, it looks blue. This fact makes it unique and it is known as “Blue Planet’? which is only planet known till date,supporting life, vegetation and temperature.



Life exists on Earth due to rays of Sun only. The solar energy has very deep connection with life on the Earth which does not have its position permanent in the solar system due to its motion rather its motions are permanent. Earth rotates on its axis while revolving round the Sun. Hence there are two motions of the Earth :

1 Rotation

2. Revolution


Earth completes its one rotation in 24 hours while one revolution takes place in whole of a year.


1. Rotation of the Earth Our Earth rotates on its axis from west to east direction,completing one rotation in 24 hours.Process of day and night happens

only due to this motion of Earth.Axis of Earth is that imaginary line which joins North and South poles.Speed of Earth while rotating is quite high i.e. 1600 km/hr. It completes its voyage of 40,000

kilometers in 24 hours. While rotating on axis, the portion which faces sun, experiences day and the portion which ts away from sun experiences night. Speed of Earth rotation varies with difference in latitudes but as the speed is constant,we cannot feel it moving. It happens in same way as we cannot feel

speed of train when it moves constantly but we certainly feel its movement when it starts or stops.


Earth makes an angle of 6612° while moving in its orbit while 23° angle from its right angled axis. Had there been no rotation, Earth would have remained in one position constantly and it would have affected life quite severely. The axis of Earth is an imaginary line

around which the planets spins.


Effects of Earth’s rotation Rotation of Earth has various effects over it, like following :-


1. Forming day & night : Formation of days and nights is possible only due to rotation of Earth. This also has effect over local temperature, moisture and direction of winds. These factors have

great effect over existence of life on this planet. Our agriculture also

depends upon these factors.


2. Constant direction or circulations : Earth rotates constantly from West to East which has its impact not only over winds but over ocean currents also. According to Farrel’s law, all independent moving bodies tend to deflect towards their right in Northern

Hemisphere and towards their left in Southern Hemisphere because of rotation of Earth. This is also known as Coriolis Effect.


3. Formation of tides : It is due to rotation that gravitation force varies on different parts of Earth at various moments. This variation causes tidal activity known as high tide and neap tide in oceans,twice a day.


4. West to East movement : Earth rotates from west to east which gives animpression as if Sunis moving from east to west. This is due to rotation of our Earth. Had it not happened, what would have been the effect ?acing East while West shall be at our back. What directions shall be at our night and left ?


5. Knowledge about directions and situation : Sun rises in the East.

Eastern places receive sun rays earlier than Western places. The difference in timing gives us an idea about situation of various places. For example, Sun rises earlier in Arunachal Pradesh as

compared to Gujarat. Can you calculate the time diffrence ?


2. Revolution of the Earth:Second motion of Earth is its movement around sun, called revolution of Earth. This movement is on elliptical orbit which

completes in 36514 days. Our calendar year is of 365 days generally leaving 6 hours each for three years but we add a day in our calendars each fourth year, making it a leap year. This day is added in the month of February. Each fourth year when year has 366 days, its February has 29 days.


During its revolution, Earth keeps its bent at 6612° angle and covers its

path of 93,98,86,400 kilometers annually in elliptical voyage. This shape and angle bring different effects. On January 3, the Earth reaches closest to Sun and this position is called ‘perihelion’. During its revolution, when the Earth is farthest from Sun, that state is known as ‘aphelion’ and it happens on July 4 every year. Distance of Earth and Sun at aphelion stage is 15,21,71,500 kilometers while distance at perihelion stage is 14,71,66,480 kilometers where as average distance

of Earth from Sun may be put at 14,95,97,892 kilometers. TAU)


Revolution of Earth brings following effects:-Effect of tilted axis on Day & Night Earth is tilted on its axis at an angle of 662° and during its revolution around sun, it remains tilted towards one side. This characteristic is known as Polarity of Earth’s axis also. Had it not been so, length of day and night would have remained constant throughout a year but it is not so as Northern Hemisphere keeps tilted towards sun for

six months, resulting into longer span of day as it receives longer sunlight during 24 hours. In those days as Southern Hemisphere is away from sun, it receives shorter span of sunlight during same 24 hours and has longer nights. While this process of varying spans of day and night goes on in both hemispheres, span of day and night is almost constant at Equator. As we move away from Equator variation goes on increasing and at poles, we find six months of day and six months of night ina year. Whole of this process is due to Earth’s tlt which takes place

during its revolution.


Tilt of the Earth along with its revolution causes various temperature zones also. Sun rays fall straight from 2342°N to 2342°S latitudes whole the year long. These latitudes known as Tropic of Cancer and Tropic of Capricorn respectively, give a name, Tropical

Zone, to the region falling between these two tropics. Equator passes

through the centre of these tropics. The regions lying between 2342°N (Tropic of Cancer) to 661%2°N (Arctic Circle) and between 23'2°S (Tropic of Capricorn) to 6642°S (Antarctic Circle) never got straight sun rays, nor these regions get away from sun during any part of year.


Slanting sunrays make these regions neither very hot not very cold and

hence known as Temperate Zones. Regions above Arctic Circle and up to North Pole and below Antarctic Circle and up to South Pole remain away from sun fairly for months during a year and whenever these regions receive sunrays that also are so slanting that hardly these may

be called warm. Therefore these regions are better known as Frigid Zones.\


Change of Seasons :Change of seasons on our Earth takes place due to following


i) Revolution of Earth

ii)Tilt of Earth at 66° onits axis


What are the situations and positions in which Earth reaches while its revolution and what results come out of these, is to be studiedn in detail:-


Position on June 21 : Northern Hemisphere lies tilted towards Sun on

June 21, while Southern Hemisphere ts away from it. Sun rays fall straight on tropic of Cancer and hence days are longer in Northern Hemisphere. There is summer season in Northern Hemisphere which is quite hot near Equator. June 21 is particularly longest day and shortest

night in Northern Hemisphere. This is also known as June solstice or summer solstice for Northern Hemisphere and winter solstice for Southern Hemisphere.


Position on September 23 : Three months after June solstice, Sunrays fall straight on Equator. This is the position when despite tilt of Earth on

its axis position is so that no hemisphere is comparatively tilted towards sun which results into equal spam of day and night i.e. of 12 hours each,known as Equinox. (Equinox is a Latin word which means equal day

and night). Equator is a place on Earth where span of day and night does

not change much whole the year long. In September when this situation happens on 23rd day, it is known as Autumn Equinox in Northern Hemisphere and Vernal Equinox in Southern Hemisphere.Position on December 22 : In this position Southern Hemisphere is tilted towards sun while Northern Hemisphere is away from it. Sunrays fall straight on 2344°S that is Tropic of Capricorn and days are longer in Southern Hemisphere while nights are shorter. Situation of day and

night is exactly opposite in Northern Hemisphere where nights are longer than days. This position is known as December solstice or summer solstice in Southern Hemisphere and winter solstice in

Northern Hemisphere.


Position on March 21 : Three months after, on March 21, Sunrays again fall straight on Equator and this situation is known as March Equinox. This situation is exactly opposite to that on September 23.Days and nights are equal at Equator. This position is known as Autumn Equinox in Southern Hemisphere and Spring Equinox in Northern

Hemisphere.Generally speaking March 21 and September 23 have equal span

of days and nights.



Literary meaning of the word *Geography’ is to know the details of some location, distribution of facts, populations etc. Details of some location from the climatic aspect and time cannot be explained if we do not take help of latitudinal and longitudinal measures of particular place. In other words, distance from Equator is most important fact for some place while seeking its details. Earth continues two motions all

the time i.e. rotation and revolution. The imaginary line drawn on the earth which divides it into two parts known as northern and southern hemispheres is known as Equator. Physical location, climate,vegetation etc. may be known more thoroughly depending upon the

factual distance of some region from the Equator. The cartography of longitudes has made things more easy for marine explorers during their oceanic navigation.


Various experiments have been carried out to settle longitudinal cartography :-

Amerigo Vespucci faced a lot of problems when he tried to measure expansion of Earth, east to west i.e. horizontally on 23rd August 1499. He sought help of Almanac measurements to find relation with various other celestial bodies and concluded that position of Moon is at 314° East of Mars. 

This conclusion of his has made basis for drawing longitudes. His experimentation and results however could not find favour with various thinkers of his times. It did not suit according to Almanac Calender even as there was no stable platform on which his theory could be raised.Galileo Galilei gave a theory in 1612 A.D. that orbits of Moon and Jupiter may be used as clock.He proved it by experimentation

but in 18th century a lot of incidents happened on earth in which exact location in the oceans could not be found. In this situation, the British Government set up a Board of Longitudes in 1714 A.D. and motivated experimentation and research on the issue by announcing various prizes for it.


Important Meridians

John Harrison, an English clockmaker brought out a marine Chronometer which could study longitudinal positions in Oceans. This instrument however, was very costly and beyond reach of many,

financially. Therefore Lunar Distance Method of Amerigo Vespucci remained popular for many decades. It was in 20th century, wireless telegraph went more popular than lunar distance method. Starting point for latitudes was equator uncontestedly but emergence of longitudes saw various experiments.


Hipparcus brought out a grid of latitudes and longitudes in 300

B.C. and various maps were drawn with the help of local time and absolute time. He contributed in setting up of starting longitude. His measurements were however more clarified 75 years later 1.e. in 225 B.C., Eratostheres, a Greek Mathematician and Space scientist,

measured circumference of Earth and prepared maps of the world.Another explorer Al-Birunie gave theory that Earth rotates round its axis which results into direct relation between longitudes and time.After all this experimentation, the International Community proposed Greenwich longitude as starting longitude in 1884 A.D. and it was accepted world over.


1. Latitudes or Parallels :The angular distance of any place falling in north or south of Equator is known as its latitude. These latitudes or parallels are measured in degrees, minutes and seconds. Geometrically, a circle is

measured at 360 degrees (°) and same ts for equator. Each degree is divide in 60 minutes (’) and each minute is further divided in 60 seconds (’). Animaginery straight line joining North and South poles when intersects Equator, it divides circle in four parts, each of 90°. Hence earth ts divided in 90° parallels in Northern Hemisphere and 90°

parallels in Southern Hemisphere. The places in the north of Equator are represented with latitudinal degrees followed by “N’ and those in south, with latitudinal degree, followed by *S’ while equator remains O°.As itis very clear that a place situated at 1° angle from Equator shall be at 1° parallel, in kilometers each degree in 111 kilometers away from the other.


Latitudinal lines are those imaginary lines which join all the places on globe which are at same angular distance from equator.Equator is known as “Great Circle’ also which divides the earth in two equal parts. Parallels or Latitudes are not straight lines but circular lines drawn parallel to equator horizontally. These circles have same centre i.e. axis and 90° N and 90° S are more points.


Some important latitudes or parallels are as under :-

(i) Equator - 0°

(ii) Tropic of Cancer — 23'12°N

(iii) Tropic of Capricorn - 2344°S

(iv) Arctic Circle - 6644°N

(v) Antarctic Circle - 6612°S

(vi) North Pole - 90°N

(vii) South Pole - 90°S


Latitudes or parallels have very important and close relation with

sunlight, revolution, tilt at 232° angle and so on. Sun shines straight over Tropic of Cancer (2342°N) on 21st June and over Tropic of Capri-corn (23'2°S) on 22nd December. It results in making June 21 the long-est day in Northern Hemisphere while December 22 the longest day in Southern Hemisphere. Arctic Circle (6642°N) region does not experi-

ence high temperature in June while sunrays reach across North Pole in

this period of the yearly voyage. Same way in December when South-ern Hemisphere is tilted towards Sun, the sunrays cross South Pole to reach 6612°S latitude i.e. Antarctic Circle. Hence Polar Regions have continuous days and nights whole the year tong.


The tilts of Earth and approach of sunrays allows us to divide the

Earth into various temperature zones also. Regions lying O° to 2344°N

and 0° to 2342°S are known as Tropical regions while regions lying between 2342°N to 6642°N and 2342°S to 66%°S are known as Temperate regions. Regions falling above 6642°N to North Pole or

6614°S to South Pole, are known as Polar Regions or Polar Regions or Frigid Zones.


Distance from Equator i.e. latitudinal situation and distance above sea level are two major factors which have their effect over climate of some place. Any place situated near the Equator shall remain hot as such region shal] remain under direct sunlight whole the year

long where as places near poles which never recetve straight sunrays

shall remain cold in control to equatorial regions.Measuring latitudinal position of some place : It is necessary to know declination of the sun if we want to know latitudinal positioning.

Zenith is a place exactly overhead in space. The zenith distance and

declination of sun or angular distance from Equator at a particular place

and time, if calculated, tells us our Latitudinal position. When a person

moves from a place, his/her zenith distance also changes and that

changes latitudinal positioning.


North Pole lies exactly beneath North Star which we may find with the help of pointers of Great Bear. At night, angular distance from North Star can conclude of our latitudinal position. Chandigarh is at 30°.42'N latitude.


2. Longitudes or Meridians :Geographical location its not very feasible to find with a single geographical factor. Location and time surely need latitudinal measurement to conclude measurement while what needs more or in

addition to it, is longitudinal position. More precisely we can say that

location and time may be found out not only by knowing north-south position but east-west position also. Longitudes are those imaginary lines drawn on a globe which join North and South poles. These lines are also circular actually, intersecting at North and South poles but at first sight these look like arcs. We take 0° longitude as Prime Meridian,


which passes through a place known as Greenwich near London. There are 180° longitudes towards east of Prime Meridian and same number is there towards west of Prime Meridian. 180° Meridian which falls exactly opposite to Prime Meridian is again acommon Meridian from east or west and technically known as International Date Line. The full

circle of O° & 180° longitudes divides the Earth in two parts known as

Eastern Hemisphere and Western Hemisphere respectively. Distance of

a place east or west of Prime Meridian are measured as an angle and this angular distance is called the longitude of that particular place.


India is situated in Eastern Hemisphere. Longitudes are always of equal size and are around 69 miles away from each other at the Equator. Longitudes or Meridians are also measured in degrees,minutes and seconds.


In simple language the Zenith refers to an imaginery point directly "above" a particular location on the imaginery celestial sphere.The Zenith is the highest point on the celestial's sphere.

 The North Pole also known as the Geographic North Pole is defined as the point in the Northern Hemisphere where the Earth's axis of rotation meets its surface. North Pole is the northern most point on the Earth,

lying diametrically opposite the south pole. It is also called true North.

A Pole star is a visible star, preferably a prominent one, that is

approximately alignes with the Earth's axis of rotation, that is a star

whose apparent position is close to one of the celestial poles, and which

lies approximately directly overhead when viewed from the Earth's North Pole or South Pole and Geoid is the shape that the surface of the oceans would take under the influence of Earth's gravitation and ratation alone, in the absence of other influences such as winds and tides. All points on the Geoid have the same gravity, potential energy.

The force of gravity acts everywhere perpendicular to the Geoid,meaning that plumb lines points perpendicular in water levels parellel to the Geoid.


Grid system of Latitudes and Longitudes : As we draw longitudes and latitudes on a globe, it looks like a full fledged net or grid, therefore drawing of longitudes and latitudes is known as Grid System. If we are to find location of some place on globe or map and we have its longitudinal and latitudinal position. For example Patiala (Punjab) is located at 30°.23' North latitude and 76°.21' East longitude. While trying to find it on a map, it shall lie at the place where these two latitudinal and longitudinal lines intersect one another.


Longitude and Time : Longitudes help us calculate local time of a place which in turn helps us about timing of sun rise and sun set.Greenwich Meridian is first longitude and it is presumed universally that when sun is shining above this longitude, that is to be called noon

12:00 GMT (Greenwich Mean Time). The

Earth rotates round its axis one full circle in 24 hours means 360° cross in that span of a day. On calculating it further, we conclude that 15 degrees face sun in an hour and one degree in 4 minutes. As we proceed eastwards

from Greenwich Meridian, we add up time at rate of 4 minutes per degree while proceeding westwards we have to deduct time at same rate. India and U.S. have a difference of 9 hours 30 minutes as India falls in Eastern Hemisphere while U.S. falls in Western Hemisphere.


In other words, when Greenwich has noon, means when clocks strike 12 at Greenwich, clocks at 15°E shall strike I p.m. while clocks at 15°W shall strike 11 a.m. At the same rate clocks at places 30°E shall strike 2 p.m. while at 30°W shall strike 10 a.m. It shows that if we know longitudinal location of a place, we can find time easily. For example;India has set its standard time at 8212°E longitude which passes near

Allahabad. The time at Allahabad or 8242°E shall be calculated like



Greenwich longitude = 0°

Allahabad longitude = 82°.30'

Difference of longitudes = 82°.30' - 0° = 82°.30'

Difference of time = 82.5 x 4 minutes = 330 minutes or

5 hours 30 minutes


As Allahabad falls in east of Greenwich, 5.30 hours shall be added to the time at Greenwich or popularly we say that time in Indiais +5.30 hours to Greenwich Time.


Indian Standard Time :Each place has its own local time which is due to longitudinal difference of each place. Recognition of local time of each place brings variation of time to the extent that it cannot be cured for setting time for various systems such as transport, offices and so on. To overcome this

problem, each nation has set its time according to some standard longitude. Such a time is known as ‘standard time’ which is based upon some Central Mendian of each nation.


India has set 82!2°E longitude as its Standard Meridian which passes close to Allahabad. This longitude divides India in two parts vertically. Standard time for whole the world is calculated from

Greenwich Meridian and time is known as Greenwich Mean Time i.e.GM.T. whereas that of India, it is known as Indian Standard Time i.e. IST.


Time difference of local mes of Dwarka (Gujarat) in west of India and

Dibrugarh (Assam) in east is of 1 hour and 45 minutes. Farthest extent

of India towards East lies in Andaman and Nicobar islands.


Some big nations i.e. with broad East-West extent, have more than one standard times. Russia has 11 standard times while U.S.A. and Canada have 9 and 6 respectively and as many time zones of their own.


International Date-Line :Emergence of longitudes and distribution of time on the Earth according to longitudes left one problem unsolved that at which

longitude, date shall change. To table with the issue, International Meridian Conference was held at Washington in 1884 A.D. and 180°longitude was finalised as International Date Line (IDL) which passes through Pacific Ocean and separates two dates. Tango and American Samoa are two islands places located quite close in Pacific Ocean but

Tango lies in Eastern Hemisphere and American Samoa in Western Hemisphere and therefore there is a difference of full one day in dates of these two islands. Fiji lies in the East of Tongo and its time trails for an hour as compared to Tongo. On the other hand Hawaii islands are in the west of Samoa and its time in one hour ahead of Samoa. There are

many island nations or places in Pacific which have to tinker with time.


We divide the world in 24 standard time zones. Each time zone contains 15 Meridians. As 180° Meridian of International Date Line falls exactly opposite to Greenwich Meridian (0°), the time difference between these two longitudes is of 12 hours. Immediately to the left of the International Date Line, the date is always one day ahead of the date (or day) to the nght of the International Date Line in Western



What is Globe Positioning System (GPS) ? Try to find out.In simple words, date changes at International Date Line. As we proceed towards east, a day is deducted but as we travel towards west, a day is added. For example if a traveller crosses International Date Line while travelling towards east, a day needs to be deducted but when that

traveller crosses back International Date Line towards west, aday needs

to be added. International Date Line passes through Pacific Ocean that

saves many people from changing calendars frequently because had it

been passing through land area, people would have faced trouble of frequent change in calendars.



1. Answer the following questions in few words :

(a) Which thinker gave the theory of Nabula first of all ?


(b) What is the difference between East-West and North-South diameter of Earth ?


(c) Which planets represent gods of war, love and heavens according to Roman Study ?


(d) Which planets of “Solar System’ are gas giants ?


(e) Write full form of ISRO.


(f) Which are the highest and lowest places on the Earth ?


(g) Name first longitude and latitude.


(h) Great Meridian divides the Earth in which hemispheres ?


G) Write full form of GMT and IST.


I) What is time difference between Fiji and Samoa ?


2. Answer the following questions in few sentences :

(a) How many natural satellites each planet of Solar System has ?


(b) Name the thinkers who gave theories about origin of Earth.


(c) In how much time does Earth complete its motions ?


(d) Difference of time in Sunrise proves that Earth is round, how ?


(e) Which scientists were involved in settling Longitudes & Latitudes ?


(f) What is Zenith ?


(g) What do you understand by horizon ?


h) Longitudes are circles, how ?


3. Answer the following questions in a paragraph :

(a) Earthis not flat but a sphere, give three positive points of this shape.


(b) How can we find direction during day and night with help of celestial bodies ?


(c) Put light upon temperature zones on basis of important latitudes.


(d) Write a note on “Commets’.


(e) What is a Light year ? What is measured with its help ?


(f) Write any three facts related to Statistics of Earth.


(g) Draw a graphic showing four Stages of revolution of Earth.


(h) Which planets are, ‘Blue, Red and Veiled’ planets ?


4. Answer the following in 150 to 250 words :

(a) Write graphical notes on both motions of Earth.


(b) Write note on planets in Solar System.


(c) Give examples and prove that Earth is round.


(d) How and Why do seasons change ? explain.


(e) Write notes on Northern, Southern, Eastern and Western Hemispheres.


(f) Write in detail how Earth orignated.