Saturday 9 January 2021

Chapter: 19 Social and Economic Changes Under The British


Chapter: 19 Social and Economic Changes Under The British


1) In ancient times what was Inida called due to its immence wealth?

the Goden Sparrow

2) Where did theIndustrial Revolution start?


3) When did theIndustrial Revolution start?

 In18th century

4) Where did the indigo industry start in India?


5) When was the first textile mill set up in India?

1853 AD

6) Where was the first textile mill set up in India?


7) Who established the first textile mill India?

Kavasji Nanabai

8) When was the first Jute factory set up in India?

1854 AD

9) Where was the first Jute factory set up in India?

In Bengal

10) WhenAssam Tea Company established?

1834 AD:

11) How many land revenue systems were introduced by the British in India?

3 (Permanent Settlement, Ryatwari, Mahilwari)


12) Permanent Settlement was started from which state?


13) Which British Governor General introduced Permanent settlement?

Lord Cornwallis

14) In which other states was the Permanent Settlement later extended?

Bihar, Orissa, Banaras & Northern Province

15) Where was the Ryatwari system introduced?


16) Who is considered to be the designer of Ryotwari system?

Thomas Munro

17) Who wasThomas Monroe?

The Governor of Madras

18) Name the British officers who launched Mehalwari System.

Bird and Thompson

19) In which states the Mehalwari system introduced initially?

Punjab, UP, Central India

20) Which British Land revenue system is considered the best?

Mehalwari System

21) Which was the first law in India to provide government assistance for education?

Charter Act 1813

22) Who is considered as the father of English education in India?

Lord Macaulay