Thursday 24 December 2020





Q. 1. Who wrote the chapter ‘Water - A True Elixir?”

Ans. Dr. DV Jindal. .


Q. 2. How much of water available on earth is salty ocean water?

Ans. Ninety seven per cent.


Q. 3. What has man sought in vain for ages?

Ans. The divine Amrita.


Q. 4. What is the basis of all life?

Ans. Water.


Q. 5. What great role do forests play in case of water?

Ans. They help in the conservation of water.


Q. 6. What did the people in ancient India believe about the forests?

Ans. They believed that forests were the mothers of rivers.


Q. 7. What has increased the consumption of water?

Ans. Rising population, growing industrialization and expanding auricular.



Q. 8. What is known as the 'food bowl of India'?

Ans. The state of Punjab.


Q. 9. What is the true elixir of life?

Ans. Water.


Q. 10. When did Indus Valley Civilization flourish?

Ans. About 5000 years ago.


Q. 11. What provides freshening breath of beauty to the mind?

Ans. Water.


Q. 12. In case of water, which are the worst affected districts of Punjab?

Ans. Sangrur and Moga.


Q. 13. What takes the major share of water in Punjab?

Ans. Rice-wheat cropping system.


Q. 14. What technologies are related to soil and agronomic management?

Ans. Planting and transplanting time of crops, irrigation scheduling and new irrigation methods.


Short Q/A

A1- Only three percent of water is fresh water, in which two percent is frozen in glaciers and polar ice caps.97 percent of the water is salty ocean water. So only one percent of the water is available for drinking.


A2. Because only one percent of water is available for drinking.


A3- Because people had access to fresh water easily.


A4- The Indus Valley Civilization period had one of the most sophisticated urban water supply and sewage system in the world.


A5- In the forest water seeps gently into the ground as vegetation breaks the flow of water. This ground water feeds well, lakes and rivers.


A6- Because the level of underground water is falling sharply day by day.


A7- He admitted that groundwater was continuously declining in 85% areas of the state.


A8- Due to excessive decline in water, nitrate presence in water has gone up by ten times and farmers have to dig deeper into the ground to pump out water.


A9- Technologies like planting and a planting time of crops, sprinklers, drip irrigation and furrow. Can be used to save water.


A10- In villages, people have to go for miles to collect water from tanks and lakes. The poor urban classes have to drink polluted water.


Long Q/A


A2- Water conservation has become the need of the day because rising population, growing industrialization and expanding agriculture have pushed up the demand for water. Besides this, we are also wasting and polluting water. We are cutting down our forests. It disturbed the water cycle also. As a result the water level is sinking year after year. And if this continuous, a day will come when life would become impossible on the earth. So we will have to conserve every drop of water.


A5. Water is the foundation of food and life. It is the basis of all life. We can live without food for a number of days but we can’t do without water for a day even. It is essential to life as air. In the forest water seeps gently into the ground as vegetation breaks the flow of water. This ground water feeds well, lakes and rivers .Many poets are inspired by falling of water down the hills. But with the advancement we are wasting and polluting water. We are cutting down our forests. It disturbed the water cycle also. As a result the water level is sinking year after year. And if this continuous, a day will come when life would become impossible on the earth. So we will have to conserve every drop of water.


Vocabulary Ex-1 Pg. - 71


1. Sufficiently large in quantity 6. sad

2. A small amount 7. Twisting and turning

3. Understanding 8. Threatening, dangerous

4. Prosper 9. Fall down, decrease

5. Familiar with 10. Reach



Ex-2 Use a prefix and form Antonyms

1. Indiscipline 4. Insecure

2. Independence 5. Indirectly

3. Undeveloped

Grammar Ex-1 (Modals)

i. Would iv. Need

ii. must v. must

iii. will


Ex-2 Narration


1. Barb shouted to Malcolm to hold on and said that she was going for help.

2. I exclaimed that it was a mean act.

3. The teacher told his pupils that most of them would be leaving school within six months.

4. I asked my guest whether he had a bad night.

5. She said that I had sold my car myself.

Ex-3 Use words as a noun and as a verb

1. Treasure N Books are a treasure for us.

V I treasure his friendship.

2. Order N We must obey the orders of our parents.

V I ordered a cup of tea.

3. Attack N We are ready to face any attack.

V China attacked India.

4. Water N Jagriti like cold water.

V The gardener is watering the plants.

5. Table N I bought a big table.

V He tabled the report in the meeting.

6. Encounter N the enemy was killed in an encounter.

V Rohan encountered a lion in the jungle.

Questions 1 – 10


Compete the sentences below.





 Due to overuse of chemical fertilizers there is a rise in 1_________.

 The number of tube wells has increased from 1.2 lakh to 2________.

 Water table is below 3________ in Sangrur and Moga districts.

 The Punjab irrigation minister admitted the declining ground water in the year of 4________.

 Water contained 5____________ mg/liter of nitrate in the year 1972.

 Nitrate eve is increasing due to excessive use of 6__________and pesticides.

 There will be no 7__________water for hum

Ans and animals in the next 20-25 years.

 High nitrate eves in water can result in a reduced 8 ___________.

 The state of Punjab should make a comprehensive 9__________ on the water crisis. A departments related to water should 10 __________ in cohesion.




In the state of Punjab major share of water is taken by rice-wheat cropping system. It may be noticed that 1 kilogram of rice consumes 3500-4000 liters of water for its growth (depending upon its variety, sowing time, area, etc.). Therefore, it is the requirement of the present situation that the traditional cropping pattern should be changed immediately. Moreover, there is a need to strictly switch over to the technologies related to soil and agronomic management that save water without a loss in crop yields, leading to higher productivity per unit use of water. These technologies include planting and Ansplanting time of crops, irrigation scheduling and new irrigation methods, (e.g. sprinkler, drip, furrow etc.) For using available water resources effectively and efficiently, water users' associations/societies should be constituted. Various measures/ technologies for enhancing artificial groundwater recharge should also be adopted. We must hear the warning bells and act before it is too late. Every drop of water is precious and needs to be saved wherever and in whatever way it is possible.


Questions 1-3

Do the following statements agree with the writer in the Reading Passage?


Write TRUE, if the statement is true.

Write FALSE, if the statement is false.

Write NOT GIVEN, if the statement is not given.


1 Traditional cropping pattern should be preserved.

2 Artificial groundwater recharging systems are widely adopted by the farmers in Punjab.

3 Water consumers associations should be formed to preserve water resources.


Questions 4-6


Choose the correct letter, A, B, C, D.


4 Consumption of the water to produce rice depends upon

A variety of rice B area of crop production C sowing time of the crop D.A. these

5 To save water without effecting crop production there should be Information in A technologies related to irrigation B management technology

C technologies related to crop and agronomic management D scientific methods

6 One kilogram of rice production consumes ___________ liters of water.

A) 3000-4000 B) 2000-5000 C) 3500-4000 D) 4000-5000

Choose the correct word to fi in the banks.


Questions 7-10

A increasing            B methods               C adopted                D valuable


Various 7______________ /technologies for 8______________ artificial groundwater recharge should also be 9_____________ .Every drop of water is 10______________ and needs to be saved.




I You are Rupinder, President of Guru Gobind Singh Apartments Society, Mohali. Write a notice to invite all the residents of your society to attend an awareness campaign against misuse of water.