Saturday, 9 January 2021

Chapter-1 Indus Valley Civilization


Chapter-1 Indus Valley Civilization


1) In how much area was Indus Civilization spread?

13 Lac Square Kilometer

2) In how many parts were Indus Valley towns divided?

2 (Citadel and Lower Town)

3) Which Indus Valley town was divided into three parts?


4) Who discovered Indus Valley Civilization?

Daya Ram Sahni

5) Which was the first known site of Indus Civilization?


6) When was Harappa discovered?

In 1921 AD

7) What is the another name of Indus Civilization?

Harappan Civilization

8) To which age did Indus Civilization belong?

Bronze Age

9) Which was the second excavated site of Indus Civilization?


10) What is meant by Mohanjodaro?

Mound of the dead

11) How many layers of Mohanjodaro have been discovered?


12) Who excavated Mohanjodaro?

R. D. Benarjee

13) When was Mohanjodaro excavated?

1922 AD

14) What is the most accepted period of Indus Civilization?


15) How old is Indus Civilization?

Approx. 5000 years

16) On the bank of which river is Harappa located?


17) Which is largest of all Indus sites?


18) Hown many times was Mohanjodaro destroyed?

7 times

19) Which articles have been found from Mohanjodaro?

Great bath, dancing girl scrupture, granery and seals

20) Write the dimensions of the Great Bath?

180 feet X 108 feet

21) Write the dimenstions of pond situated in Greatbath?

39 feet X 23 feet X 7feet

22) Who excavated Chanhudro?

N. G. Majumdar

23) When was Chanhudro excavated?

1931 AD

24) How many times was Chanhudro destroyed?


25) Why was Chanhudro famous?

For beads making

26) Where is Kali Bangan located?

Dist. Hanumangarh in Rajasthan

27) What was Kali Bangan famous for?

Manufacturing of Black Bangles

28) When was Kali Bangan excavated?


29) Where is Lothal located?

In Gujrat

30) Why was Lothal famous?

For its large Dockyard

31) Where is Sanghol located?

Dist. Fatehgarh Sahib in Punjab

32) What was the breadth of roads in Indus Civilization?

13 feet to 34 feet

33) What were the weapons of Indus Peaople?

Small swords, spear, arrow, axe, knife etc.

34) What were the weapons of Indus people made up of?

Bronze or Copper

35) What was the main occupation of Indus people?


36) What were the tools of Indus people made up of?


37) What were the main crops of Indus people?

Wheat and Barley

38) What other crops were grown by Indus people apart from wheat and barley?

Rice, Coconut, Date, Vegetables, Cotton, etc.

39) For which crop Indus Valley was famous over the world?


40) Name the animals reared by Indus people?

Elephant, camel, pig, sheep, dog, goat, etc.

41) Name the countries with whom Indus people had trade relations?

Roman, Sumarian, Mosopotamians etc.

42) Which diety was worshipped most by Indus People?

Mother Goddess

43) What did Mother Goddess symbolise?


44) Name another God worshipped most by Indus people after Mother Goddess.

Shiva Pashupati

45) Name some animals worshipped by Indus People.

Elephant, Rhinocores, Tigert etc.

46) Which tree was worshipped by Indus people?

Pipal Tree

47) What kind of society do Indus people have?

Matriarchal Society

48) What kind of script did Indus people use?


49) How many alphabets of Indus script are found so far?

Approx. 270

50) How many Indus Valley sites have been found so far?

More than 300 sites

51) The statue of Priest found at Mohanjodaro is made up of which element?

White stone

52) What were the most of Indus sculptures made up of?




(3 Marks Questions/ Answers)


1. Mention the main features of the town planning of Indus Valley Civilization.

Ans: Main features:

I. Towns were well planned.

II. Houses were airy and spacious.

III. | Drains were covered.

IV. Roads cut each other on 90 degree angle.


2. Write a short note on Harappa.

Ans: Harappa was situated in Mointgumari district of Punjab in present Pakistan. It was situated on the bank of river Ravi. It was discovered by Daya Ram Sahni in 1921 AD. It is the largest town of Indus Valley Civilization. The town was surrounded by a high wall to protect it from enemies.


3. What do you know about Mohanjodaro?

Ans: Mohandodaro was the second most important town of Indus Valley Civilization. It was situated on the bank of river Sind. It was discovered by R. D. Bannerjee in 1922 AD. Mohanjodaro literally means ‘the Mound of the Dead’. A great bath, bronze image of dancing girl, warehouses and a large number of coins have been found on this site.


4. Write short note on Kalibangan.

Ans: This site is situated in Hanumangarh district of Rajasthan. The town got its name from black bangles. This town was discovered by A. Ghosh in 1953 AD. Traces of ploughed fields, utencils, ornaments and toys have been found on this site.


5. Write short note on the Great Bath.

Ans: The Great Bath has been found in Mohanjodaro. Its length and breadth are 180 feet and 108 feet respectively. A pond of dimensions 39 feet X 23 feet X 8 feet was constructed in the middle of the great bath. There were stairs to get down in pond. There was a provision of changing rooms around the Great Bath.


6. Write short note on drainage system of Indus Valley Civilization.


I. Drains were constructed in scientific manner.

II. The drains from the houses flowed into the drains into streets which further flowed into big drains.

III. Drains were covered with removable bricks.

IV. Nobody was allowed to throw the garbage into the drains.


7. Write the main features of Indus Valley Houses.


I. Houses were made of burnt bricks.

ll. | Houses had strong and deep foundations.

III. | Houses had big doors, windows and ventilators.

IV. Some houses had two or more storeys.

V. Each house had an open courtyard, a kitchen, a well and a bathroom.


8. Write short note on technology of Indus Valley People.


I. Indus Valley People were technologically advanced.

II. They were experts in making copper and bronze utencils, images, toys etc.

III. The art of making ornaments was also highly developed.

IV. They were also skilled in making seals, weaving cotton and woolen clothes.


9. What kind of ornament/ jewelry did Indus People wear?


I. Man and women, both wore ornaments.

II Men wore necklaces, rings and bangles.

III. Women wore necklaces, rings, bangles, nose pins, ear rings etc.

IV. Ornaments were made up of gold, silver, ivory and precious stones.

V. Poor people wore ornaments made of copper.

10. How did the people of Indus Valley Civilization entertain themselves?


I. The people of Indus Valley entertained themselves by a variety of sources.

II. They were fond of playing chess, hunting, watching animal’s fights, of music and dance.

III. Children entertained themselves by toys.


11. What do you know about the dress of Indus Valley People?


I Indus people wore cotton and woolen clothes.

II. Male covered they body with cloth sheet known as chadar or dhoti.

III. Women wore lehanga and choli.

IV. They knew the art of stitching.


12. How did the Indus People dispose the dead?

Ans: They disposed the dead bodies in three ways:

I. The dead were cremated and their ashes were buried in the ground.

II. Sometimes the body itself was buried in the ground.

III. At other times, they throw the dead body in some open place and later buried only the skeleton.


13. What do you know about the foreign trade of Indus people?


I. Indus people had trade relations with Sumerians, Mesopotamians and Egyptians.

II. They imported gold, silver, cosmetics and precious stones.

III. They exported cotton clothes, ornaments, ivory, beads, monkeys, peacocks etc.

IV. Harappa, Mohenjo-Daro and Lothal were famous trade centers.


14. What were the characteristics of religion of Indus Valley people?


I. People mainly used to worship Mother Goddess.

II. They also worshipped Lord Shiva.

III. Besides theses, they also worshipped Linga, Yoni, Sun, Ox, Tiger and Elephants etc.

IV. They believed in magic and charms.


15. What type of seals has been found in Indus Valley Civilization?


I. A large number of seals have been found from Indus Valley Civilization.

II. More than 1200 seals have been found only at Mohanjo-daro.

Ill. These were made of baked clay, lime and ivory.

IV. These seals contain the figures of humans, animals and trees.


16. Write short note on polity in Indus Valley Civilization.


I. There are different opinions among historians about the political life of Indus people.

II. The uniform town planning, seals, weights and measures depict that their political system was good and stable.

III. The facilities available in Indus towns show that there must have been municipalities.


17. Write short note on the script of Indus Valley people.


I. The script of Indus people was pictographic.

II. Around 270 symbol have been found of their script.

III. These symbols have been found on seals, strips, pots and walls.

IV. The script was written from left to right.

V. The script has not been deciphered still.


18. Write short note on Art of Indus Valley people.


I. Indus people made a lot of progress in the field of art.

II. They were adept in making sculpture of idols, stone and terracotta.

III. They liked drawing and painting.

IV. Bronze figure of dancing girl is the best example their artistic skill.


19. Give a brief account of legacy of Indus Valley Civilization.


I. The Indus Valley Civilization has left deep impression on Indian culture and civilization.

II. We have learnt the art of town planning, wide roads, lighting arrangement etc. from Indus Valley people.

III. Art of making toys, cosmetic, spindle etc. were learnt from this civilization.

IV. The religious faith practiced in Indus Valley civilization are still the part of Hinduism.


20. What were the causes of decline and disappearance of Indus Valley Civilization?

Ans: According to different historians, following are the possible causes of decline of Indus Valley Civilization:

I. The invasions of Aryans.

II. Frequent floods.

III. Frequent earthquakes.

IV. Climate change

V. Some epidemic i.e. plague or malaria etc.

VI. The Indus river has changed it course that led to draught in area.


Long Answer types questions (6 marks)


Question: -1 What are the centers of Indus Valley Civilization found in modern Pakistan and India?

Answer: The history of India is believed to have started from the Indus Valley, the oldest civilization of India. About 5000 years old Indus civilization has found 300 centers in modern Pakistan and India. The main centers and their features are described as follows: -



Invention year

Famous for




1921 A.D

Well planned Towns




1922 A.D

The great Bathroom Trade





1931 A.D

Beads, Famous for copper and Bronze tools cane For tools


Kotla Nihang Khan (Ropar)

India  (Punjab)

1953 A.D

Utensils, Jewellery Tools


Kali Bangan(Ganga Nagar)

India (Rajasthan)

1953 A.D

Black bangles Well  planned town


Lothal (Ahmedabad)

India (Gujrat)

1957 A.D

Famous port foreign trade


Alamgirpur (Meerut)

India (Uttar Pradesh)

1958 A.D

Jewellery, utensils, Statues


Sanghol (Ludhiana)

India (Punjab)

1968 A.D

Big moat with filled water.


Bnawali (Hisar)

India (Haryana)

1973 A.D

Well planned city Seals and tools


The total area of this civilization was 1, 99,600 square kilometers.


Q-2 Answer: - Write a note about the social life of the Indus Valley Civilization.

Answer: Being a civic civilization, the society of this civilization developed a lot


I. Most of the sculptures found in the excavations are of women from which it seems that Prabha was the president of the society.

II. The division of society was based on the actions of the people.

III. People ate two types of food, vegetarian and non-vegetarian. Wheat, sorghum, Rice, pulses, fruits, vegetables, milk were the staple foods. Meat from fish Was also used.

IV. Many fry have been found which suggest that both men and women wore cotton and their clothes. The women wore house shawls and the men wore granddaughter shawls, their right hand was always empty. Needles were also found but mostly wrapped in cloth used to go.

V. Both the man and Orra were fond of jewellery and fashion. Rich People wore gold, silver, and precious stones, while the poor wore jewelery made of copper, bone, hardened clay, and cheap beads. The women wore bangles, necklaces and bracelets, while the men wore bracelets, necklaces and earrings. Women used to adorn their hair more than they used lipstick and makeup. Some men have beards, some have bandages on their foreheads were.

VI. People were fond of sports. Dancing and singing, planning of dice, chess, hunting and watching animal fights were main sources of amusement. For small children clay toys were made.

Vil. The dead were cremated in three ways

(A) Babylon cremation,

(B) Buried in ground

(C) Fraction burn like Parsi community


From the above it is clear that the social order of the people of the Indus Valley was much better than that of other civilizations like Egypt and Babylonia.


Question: 3 Write a note from the economic life of the people of Indus Valley Civilization.

Answer: Economically, the people of the Indus Valley Civilization were very prosperous.

1. Agriculture and animal husbandry were the main occupations of the people. A variety of grains, vegetables, and cotton were grown. The Greeks learned about cotton from the Indians. As the Indus Valley developed around the Indus River, there was no shortage of water. People had knowledge of water conservation and irrigation. Indus Valley Civilization was Famous for Cotton all over the world.


2. The cultivated field which is obtained from Kali Bangan We came to know they use tools like harrows for sowing. Tools were made of wood. Wheat and barley were their main crops. Coconuts, dates, and rice were also grown.


3. Sheep, goats, elephants, camels, oxen, buffaloes, horses, dogs were kept as pets. Adeqate fodder was available.


4. The people of the Indus Valley Civilization traded with many parts of the country and Sumer, Egypt (Mesopotamia abroad) by water and sea. They exported cotton cloth, jewelery, pearls and ivory products. Animals were also sent out. Gold, silver, necklaces, and other precious stones were imported. Shilajit was imported from Kashmir on a series. Marble was procured from Rajasthan, Mysore and gold and silver from South India. People also worked as goldsmiths, potters, and craftsmen. In short, people's lived a prosperous life.


Question: 4 What is the legacy of Indus Valley Civilization? What are the reasons for its decline?

Answer: LEGACY

The imprint of the Indus Valley Civilization is still reflected in every aspect of our lives. From this civilization Indians learn to build planned cities, build wide open roads, provide street lighting, sanitation, sewerage drains, ghats, seals and sculptures. The art of making children's toys, adorning women's necklaces. The forms of worship of Goddess Mother, Shivaji, Agni, Jal, Suraj, trees and snakes, which were worshiped at that time, are still prevalent in Hinduism. Even today the bronze dancer's posture from Mohenjo-Daro is a style of indian dance.


Causes of collapse: - 

The reason for the collapse or disappearance of the Indus Valley is understood to be the invasion of foreigners like Aryans war but there is no concrete evidence. Some historians believe that a sudden flood in the Indus and its tributaries caused the civilization to disappear. Some believe that repeated earthquakes or epidemics have wreaked havoc on this civilization. It is also believed that due to the drying up of the river Saraswati around 10 BC, people moved eastwards towards the plains of the Ganges. This civilization collapsed around 1530 BC. Some people attribute its demise due to the plight of the Dasyu (slave) class of people. In the end we can say that unless scholars succeed in reading the Indus Valley script in its entirety, nothing can be said with certainty about the decline of the Indus Valley Civilization.