Monday 16 May 2022

Chapter 13


 Chapter 13



Non-conventional sources of energy include biomass, solar, wind, ocean, hydel, geothermal and nuclear energy. Most of these sources except for nuclear energy are inexhaustible and can be used

indefinitely. These are renewed by nature and are also known as renewable energy sources. In comparison with fossil fuels, these sources cause less pollution of the environment, With rapidly expanding human population and ever increasing demand of energy, renewable sources are most promising alternative energy sources for long term use in future.



Biomass includes wood, fast growing plants, cattle dung and crop residues. It contains solar energy fixed in the form of chemical energy by green plants through process of photosynthesis. It is

primarly used for cooking and heating. Biomass can be used in its solid from or it can be changed to liquid or gas fuels, Firewood can be changed into charcoal by partial burning, Cattle dung is used to make rounded dung cakes. It can also be used to produce biogas that is a mixture of gases espe-cially methane (60-70 percent), carbon dioxide, hydrogen and hydrogen sulphide. Biogas is pro-duced by action of micro-organisms in a biogas plant, For this purposes, cattle dung is mixed with

water and put inside an airtight container called digester (fig. 13.1).


Under anaerobic conditions, the bacteria breakdown the undigested plant material of cattle dung into biogas. The remaining solid material is used as fertilizer for crops. Biogas can also be collected from household wastes and industrial wastes, dumped and buried in the landfills. Liquid fuels such as

methanol and ethanol can be prepared from biomass and may be used in engines. Some plants like Jatropha, belonging to the family Euphorbiaceae yield useful oil which can be used as fuel in diesel engines.


As mentioned in the previous chapter, about half of the world population depends upon biom-ass as a primary source of energy. It acts as an inexhaustible energy source if managed in a sustain-able manner. In rural India, biomass is the most important source of energy. There are more than

1,852 million biogas plants in India and potential exists for millions more, Cultivation of oil yielding plants is also gaining a momentum. There is a pressure on forest sources duc to increased demand of firewood, Undoubtedly, the use of biomass decreases our dependence on fossil fuels, but it also contributes to the problem of global warming by increasing the level of carbon dioxide in the atmo-

sphere. This problem can be minimized if biomass used is replaced by biomass regenerated. As in case of wood, other forms of biomass like animal waste and crop residues also release oxides of

sulphur and nitrogen into the  atmosphere. On burning biomass, a lot of suspended particulate matter is produced. Cutting of trees for firewood also leads to soil erosion and desertification, When biom-ass is bumt in traditional ‘chullahs’ or open fires, a large amount (80-90 percent) of energy is dissi-pated into the environment.




Solar radiation falling on the earth's surface is most important renewable source of en-ergy. Every year, the earth receives solar radiation equivalent to 1500 times the commercial energy consumption of the world. But the problem is that unlike fossil fuels and nuclear en-ergy, solar energy is not concentrated in localized areas. It is dispersed over the vast surface

of the earth. In order to harness this energy, the solar radiation is concenterated or trapped in a small area. This can be achieved through passive solar heating or active solar heating. Pas-sive solar heating is used to warm buildings. It makes the use of green house effect and is the

simplest, cheapest, pollution and maintenance free method for hamessing solar energy. Some radiation trapping structural features are incorporated in design of the buildings. These in-

clude large sun facing glass windows for receiving more solar radiation, a few or no north facing windows, walls and floors of concrete or stone and insulated curtains to reduce loss of

heat during night. Passive solar heating can also be done by adding a small green house to the building. Similarly, in a solar cooker, the trapped heat energy is used for cooking food. The glass top and reflector of the solar cooker concentrate solar radiation inside the box. In order to absorb more energy, the inside of cooker is blackened and the cooking vessel is placed on a metal sheet.


Active solar heating is used to heat water. It involves the use of specially designed collection devices to concentrate solar energy (fig. 13.2). A typical collection device consists of a coil of cop-per pipe fixed to a blackened metal base in an insulated box. This box is covered with glass.

The absorbed heat is transferred to the liquid (water or antifreeze solution) or air inside the copper pipe. This hot substance is then pumped to an insulated water storage tank. This system is installed on the roof of building. It is more expensive than passive solar heating system. Both these types of solar heating systems supply free energy for warming buildings or heating water on sunny days. However, at night or on cloudy days, this supply of energy is

not available.


Solar energy is used to produce electricity by solar thermal electricity generation. This process involves use of computer-guided mirrors that follow the sun for its optimum radiation. Trough-shaped mirrors are used to concentrate solar radiation on oil filled pipes. The oil is heated to 390°C and then

pumped through a water storage system. The heat released from the oil changes the water into steam that turns a turbine to produce electricity. In another type of arrangement, the solar radiation concen-trated by a large array of mirrors is focused on a boiler mounted at the top of a tower. The steam

generated in this boiler is used to turn a turbine for producing electricity. Electricity can be directly produced from solar radiation by using photovoltaic cells. These cells are made up of purified silicon and smal] amount of other chemicals such as gallium arsenide or cadmium sulphide. When sunlight falls on a photovoltaic cell, it emits electrons and produces a small amount of electric current. In

order to increase the amount of electricity, a large number of photovoltaic cells are coupled together

to form a solar panel. Simiarly, several solar panels can be wired together to further enhance the generating capacity (Fig 13.3). These panels can be mounted on the rooftops. The electric current

produced by a photovoltaic cell is direct current (DC) and can be converted into altemating current (AC) by using an electronic converter. Solar cell technology has been used in satellites, electronic watches, calculators, solar lanterns, street lights and water pumps. It is quite promising for smaller



All these different types of methods for harnessing solar energy are being used in different countries. Efforts are being made to develop more efficient and less expensive technology. India is

the third largest producer of solar cells and modules. More than 80 different

 industrial companies are

engaged in marketing and manufacture of these items, The arid land in the deserts of Rajasthan offers a great scope for hamessing solar energy. A 30 MW Research and Developments cum demonstra-tion project at Jodhpur in Rajasthan has already been sanctioned by the Government of India. Two 100KW partial grid interactive solar photovoltaic power projects have been commissioned in Uttar Pradesh. The Govemment is also providing partial financial assistance for installation of solar power operated irrigation pumps in different states. Solar energy has many advantages. It is renewable and

abundantly available in nature. Use of solar energy causes no pollution of the environment. The only problem with this form of energy is that it is not available at night and during cloudy days. It needs a power backup system, The amount of solar radiation received by an area also depends upon season

and geographical location.



Warming of the atmosphere by solar radiation causes movement of air, Energy obtained from this moving air is known as wind energy. People have been using wind energy since 16th century. It

is harnessed by wind mills. A windmill consists of movable blades mounted on a pole or a tower.Wind rotates the blades of a windmill. The mechanical energy produced due to rotation of blades is

used to pump water and grind grains. The improved designs of windmills are also used to produce electricity. For this purpose, a small generator is attached with a windmill (fig. 13.4). Rotation of the 

blades drives the coil of the generator to produce electricity. The electricity producing wind machines

are known as wind turbines, A single wind turbine produces a small amount of electricity. In order to increase electricity generation capacity, a number of wind turbines are installed in a large area and are wired together. This sort of acrangement is known as a wind farm. An ideal wind speed of 8.23

m per second is sufficient to run a wind turbine. Wind farms can be erected in areas having such favourable wind conditions. Under optimum wind conditions, an efficiency of 45 percent can be achieved. In India, Gujarat and Tamilnadu are leading states in production of wind energy due to

availability of fayourable wind conditions, A large wind farm capable of producing about 38 MW of electricity has been installed at Kaniyakumari. The wind power potential of India is estimated to be around 20000 MW.


Wind energy has certain important merits. It is a renewable source of energy and does not cause any environmental pollution. Wind turbines can be installed in remote areas where other sources of energy are not available. At the same time, the area occupied by a wind farm can also

be used for other purposes. The major limitation of wind energy is that wind machines can only be operated in areas having a suitable wind speed. When the wind dies down, the wind turbines stop

working, It has been recorded that even at the best sites, the wind turbines work only for about 60 percent of a calendar year. The moving blades of wind machines make noise and may kill the

flying birds.



Ocean water is a potential source of energy. Ocean thermal energy and tidal energy are two important forms of ocean energy that can be exploited for generation of electricity.


Ocean Thermal Energy : The ocean water receives enormous amount of solar radiation.The absorbed heat raises the temperature of surface waters. Contrary to this, the bottom waters are quite cool. There may be a temperature difference of about 24°C between the

surface water and deep bottom waters. This temperature difference can be exploited for hamessing the thermal energy trapped in the ocean water.


In an Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC) plant, thermal energy of the ocean water is used to produce electricity. The hot surface water is pumped into heat exchangers of the

OTEC plant to boil and pressurize liquid ammonia. The ammonia steam is then used to drive turbines for producing electricity. The bottom water from a depth of about 900m is pumped

to surface for cooling ammonia back into liquid state. This liquefied ammonia is pumped back to heat exchangers to repeat the process again. The generation of electricity from tempera-ture difference between surface and bottom waters of ocean is known as ocean thermal

energy conversion (OTEC). A part of electricity generated by OTEC plant is used in the plant itself for pumping cool bottom waters to surface.


The world's first mini OTEC plant was designed and operated near Hawaii in 1979. On basis of successful  experiments, large floating OTEC plants are technologically possible. A number

of suitable locations for OTEC plants are available in different ocean areas, It is estimated that the ocean thermal energy potential of the world is around 1000000 MW and that of India is

around 20000 MW, A proposal for installation of 100 MW OTEC plant costing rupees 750 crores in Tamilnadu is under consideration. Ocean thermal energy is a tenewable and pollution

free source of energy. It requires no land area for installation of OTEC plants. But the construc-tion, operation and maintenance costs of OTEC plants could be too high. The sea water is

highly corrosive and can damage the metallic parts of a plant. Large scale encroachment of sea water can also interfere and distutb the life of marine biota. Also, the efficiency of OTEC plant is supposed to be quite low and may require advanced technologies.


Tidal Energy : The altemate rise and fall of ocean water due to gravitational pull of the moon and the sun is known as tide. It happens twice a day. As a result of tides, large volume

of water flows in and out of inland bays, estuaries and other water bodies near the coastal atea. The tidal energy associated with the rising and falling water can be used for generating

electricity. It is possible by constructing a tidal dam across the narrow mouth of a bay. At high

tide when the water level rises, the flood gates of the dam are opened and water flows into the bayside reservoir. Then the gates are closed. At low tide, the stored water is allowed to

flow back out to ocean water. This out flowing water tums the turbines and generates elec-tricity. The La Rance Power Station constructed across the Rance River in France is the

world's largest tidal power plant. This dam receives water from tides upto 13.5m high. The experimental tidal power plant constructed at the Bay of Fundy in Canada has a water level difference of 16m between high and low tides. In India, the model tests to harness tidal

energy ate being tried. The Gulf of Kutch and the Gulf of Cambay in Gujarat and the Sunderbans in West Bengal have been identified as potential sites for hamessing tidal energy.


Under anaerobic conditions, the bacteria breakdown the undigested plant material of cattle dung into biogas. The remaining solid material is used as fertilizer for crops. Biogas can also be collected from household wastes and industrial wastes, dumped and buried in the landfills. Liquid fuels such as

methanol and ethanol can be prepared from biomass and may be used in engines. Some plants like Jatropha, belonging to the family Euphorbiaceae yield useful oil which can be used as fuel in diesel



As mentioned in the previous chapter, about half of the world population depends upon biom-ass as a primary source of energy. It acts as an inexhaustible energy source if managed in a sustain-able manner. In rural India, biomass is the most important source of energy. There are more than

1,852 million biogas plants in India and potential exists for millions more, Cultivation of oil yielding plants is also gaining a momentum. There is a pressure on forest sources duc to increased demand of firewood, Undoubtedly, the use of biomass decreases our dependence on fossil fuels, but it also contributes to the problem of global warming by increasing the level of carbon dioxide in the atmo-

sphere. This problem can be minimized if biomass used is replaced by biomass regenerated. As in case of wood, other forms of biomass like animal waste and crop residues also release oxides of

sulphur and nitrogen into the atmosphere. On burning biomass, a lot of suspended particulate matter is produced. Cutting of trees for firewood also leads to soil erosion and desertification, When biom-ass is bumt in traditional ‘chullahs’ or open fires, a large amount (80-90 percent) of energy is dissi-pated into the environment.



Solar radiation falling on the earth's surface is most important renewable source of en-ergy. Every year, the earth receives solar radiation equivalent to 1500 times the commercial energy consumption of the world. But the problem is that unlike fossil fuels and nuclear en-ergy, solar energy is not concentrated in localized areas. It is dispersed over the vast surface

of the earth. In order to harness this energy, the solar radiation is concenterated or trapped in a small area. This can be achieved through passive solar heating or active solar heating. Pas-sive solar heating is used to warm buildings. It makes the use of green house effect and is the

simplest, cheapest, pollution and maintenance free method for hamessing solar energy. Some radiation trapping structural features are incorporated in design of the buildings. These in-

clude large sun facing glass windows for receiving more solar radiation, a few or no north facing windows, walls and floors of concrete or stone and insulated curtains to reduce loss of

heat during night. Passive solar heating can also be done by adding a small green house to the building. Similarly, in a solar cooker, the trapped heat energy is used for cooking food. The glass top and reflector of the solar cooker concentrate solar radiation inside the box. In order to absorb more energy, the inside of cooker is blackened and the cooking vessel is placed on a metal sheet.


Active solar heating is used to heat water. It involves the use of specially designed collection devices to concentrate solar energy (fig. 13.2). A typical collection device consists of a coil of cop-capacity of the reservoir. Small scale hydroelectric plants cause little disturbances in their natural

surroundings and are more environment friendly than the large scale hydroelectric power plants.



The interior core of the earth is extremely hot. It contains molten rocks in the form of magma.At certain places, this magma comes to lie below the earth's upper crust and heats the subsurface rocks. The heat energy present in these rocks is known as geothermal energy. When the under-

ground water comes in contact with these hot rocks, it starts boiling. Depending upon the tempera-ture of rocks, underground water may get changed into dry steam, wet steam or hot water. The

areas in which such reserves of geothermal energy exist are known geothermal regions. In some places, this hot water and steam gush out in the form of hot springs and geysers.


After locating a geothermal area, a bore is drilled to obtain underground deposit of steam or hot water. These sources of geothermal energy can be used for producing electricity. The deposits of dry stream are very rare. It contains no droplets of water and can be directly used to drive turbines for generating electricity (fig. 13.5). Wet steam is super heated water under high pressure. It is a mixture 

of steam and water droplets. In order to produce electricity from wet steam, it is first spun at high speed in a steam separator. The separated steam is then used to turn turbines. Deposits of hot water

are more common than dry and wet steam deposits. Hot water is used to warm residential buildings,farm buildings and to dry crops. Electricity can also be generated from hot water. In a heat ex-

changer, the heat energy of hot water is used to evaporate and pressurize a hydrocarbon fluid. The pressurized gaseous state of the fluid is then used to drive turbines for generating electricity. The scientific works in USA and UK have tested the technological possibility of harnessing geothennal

energy from very deeply located hot dry rocks. They drilled test wells and pumped water into these wells. The heat of the rocks changed this water into steam that was collected back for driving turbines. Geothermal energy accounts for 1.6. percent of the total energy consumed in the world.

Currently, about 22 countries are hamessing energy from their geothermal sources. More than 380 geothermal plants are being operated in these countries. In this concern, the leading countries are Italy, Iceland, Mexico, Japan, Indonesia, the Philppines and the United States of America. Though in India too, about 340 hot springs have been located, yet this energy could not be tapped on a large scale. A small project has been set up in Manikaran in Himachal Pradesh. Another 1 KW experi-mental generator is being operated on geothermal energy in the Puga valley in Ladakh region of

Jammu and Kashmir. This valley is situated at an altitude of 4500m above sea level and the climate is very cold, especially during the winter season. The people use geothermal energy for space heat-ing, poultry farming, mushroom cultivation and wool processing. The hot geysers in Madhya Pradesh are also being investigated for commercial hamessing of this energy. Geothermal energy does not

depend upon weather conditions. Deposits of geothermal energy can supply energy to the adjoining areas on a moderate cost. It does not result in emission of carbon dioxide but it releases ammonia,

hydrogen sulphide and radioactive elements as pollutants in air. The surrounding land may subside due to excessive removal of underground water. Geothermal energy is not available everywhere.



The energy released during nuclear fission or fusion is known as nuclear energy. Nuclear fission involves splitting of a heavy atom (nucleus) into two smaller atoms (nuclei) with release of large amount of energy (Fig. 13.6). In this process, the large nuclei of a heavy element like Uranium- 235 or Plutonium - 239 are bombarded with neutrons.


Addition of a neutron into the nucleus of a heavy atom makes it quite unstable, This unstable atom (nucleus) immediately breaks into two smaller atoms (nuclei) and 2 or 3 neutrons are also ejected

out. These neutrons then bombard the other atoms of the heavy element and trigger a chain reaction.A large amount of heat energy is generated at each step in this chain reaction. In nuclear fusion, two light-weight atomic nuclei join together to form a heavier atomic nucleus. For example, fusion of a

deuterium atom (nucleus) with a tritium atom (nucleus) forms a helium atom (nucleus). This process is feasible at a very high temperature and produces tremendous amount of heat. On the basis of technological feasibility, nuclear fission reactors are used for hamessing nuclear energy. In this reac-tor, chain reaction is performed under controlled conditions. A typical muclear reactor consists of four main patts namely, the reactor core, the steam generator, the turbine and the condenser (fig 13.7).

Fission of uranium fuel takes place inside the reactor core. The pellets of uranium dioxide are loaded in the fuel rods. The rate of chain reaction is controlled by using control rods made of special alloy.These can absorb the free neutrons produced during fission. The heat produced by fission is trans-

ferred to the steam generator by a primary water circuit. Water is heated in the reactor core to about 293°C. Under high pressure, it remains liquid and is circulated between reactor core and steam generator. The steam is produced from a secondary water circuit in the steam generator. It is then

used to turn turbines for generating electricity. In the condenser, the waste steam is cooled back into liquid by a tertiary water circuit. The same process take place in the nuclear submarines and ships.The propelling force is obtained from the steam generated during nuclear fission taking place inside the nuclear reactors of these submarines and ships.


The first nuclear power plant was constructed in 1957 in the United Kingdom. By 1986, there were 374 commercial nuclear reactors in 26 countries, providing 15 percent of the world's electric-ity, The leading countries are the United States of America, Japan, France, United Kingdom, former Soviet Union and West Germany. The Chernobyl nuclear disaster of 1986 raised several serious concerns over the safety of nuclear plants and disposal of the radioactive wastes. Since then, a

number of countries have abandoned their plans to construct new nuclear power plants. In India,Tarapur Atomic Power plant in Maharasthtra is the first nuclear power plant started in 1969. Three other atomic power plants include Rajasthan Atomic Power Plant, Narora Atomic Power Plant in Uttar Pradesh and Chennai Atomic Power Plant in Tamilnadu. The total power generation capacity

of these atomic power plants is about 2005 MW. It accounts for only 3 percent of the total electric-ity produced in India. Uranium ores are found in Jharkhand, Andhra Pradesh, Rajasthan and the Himalayan region, These ores are processed into uranium fuel at Nuclear Fuel complex in Andhra Pradesh, The heavy water used as a coolant in nuclear reactors is produced in heavy water plants at Kota (Rajasthan), Baroda (Gujarat), Tuticorin (Kerala), Thal (Maharashtra) and Talcher (Orissa).

Unlike fossil fuels, nuclear reactors do not emit air pollutants such as carbon dioxide, oxides of sulphur, oxides of nitrogen and particulate matter, Nuclear energy is a highly concentrated source of energy, A small pellet of uranium dioxide contains energy equivalent of one ton of coal. Although, the

chances of a nuclear accident are very low, but its consequences are very dangerous. The nuclear power plants produce radioactive waste that is extremely dangerous to human health and environ-ment. It may cause inheritable genetic disorders. The appropriate methods for storage and safe disposal of this waste have not been fully developed so far. The total cost involved in construction,maintenance, operation, safety, measures, storage and disposal of radioactive waste and dismantling

of an old reactor is considered to be very high.



Coal, oil, natural gas and firewood are our major conventional sources of energy. We have been exploiting these sources since long back. Firewood has been a major source of energy since

early human settlements till the middle of nineteenth century. Then with the advent of rapid industial-ization, coal became the major source of energy by end of nineteenth century. Oil and natural gas emerged as other major sources by 1930s, The long term use of these fossil fuels has resulted in serious environmental pollution. The quality of commons Le., air, water and soil has deteriorated to a considerable extent. This has led to deleterious effects on human beings and other animals. More-

over, the reserves of these fossil fuels are not unlimited, These sources are non-renewable in nature.It has taken millions of years to forms fossil fuels in nature. If the current rate of consumption of these fossil fuels continues, they may not last much longer in the future. In comparison with fossil fuels, the non-conventional sources of energy cause less pollution of the environment. Most of these sources

such as solar energy, wind energy, ocean thermal energy, tidal energy, biomass energy and hydel energy are renewable in nature. These are used by man and replenished by nature. The nuclear

energy has a great potential if all necessary safety measures are developed and incorporated in the future nuclear energy plans. The global demand of energy is increasing cach passing day. In this concem, the non-conventional sources of energy are very promising alternative source of energy.

Accordingly, there is an urgent need to promote non-conventional sources of energy.



{A) Very short answer type questions (1 mark each) :

1. Name different non-conventional sources of energy.

2. Why are non-conventional sources also known as renewable sources?

3. How can firewood be changed into charcoal?

4, Name two liquid fuels that can be produced from biomass.

5. Give the composition of biogas.

6, Name an oil yielding plant.

7. Which one is the most important renewable source of energy?

8. What is a solar panel?

9. What is a wind turbine?

10. What is the ideal wind speed to run a wind turbine?

11. Define a tide?

12, Why are small scale hydroelectric plants considered more environment friendly?

13. Name any two localities where small projects for harnessing geothermal energy have been installed?


(B) Short answer type questions (2 marks each) :

1. Whatare the advantages of non-conventional energy sources over the conventional sources?

2, Whatis included in biomass energy?

3, How does a photovoltaic cell produce electricity?

4. What are advantages of solar energy?

5. Whatis the limitation of solar energy?

6. Whatis a wind farm?

7. Name four major hydroelectric power stations in India?

8. Write two drawbacks of hydel energy?

9, Whatis nuclear fusion?

10. Why should the non-conventional sources of energy be promoted?


(C) Short answer type questions (4 marks each):

1. How is biogas produced?

2. What are the disadvantages of biogas as a source of energy?

3. Write a short note on active solar water heating device.

4, Explain the structure and function of a wind mill.

5. Give a brief account of advantages and limitations of wind energy?

6. How does a hydroelectric power station work?

7. How are the different deposits of geothermal energy utilized?

8. Explain nuclear fission with an example.


(D) Long answer type questions: (5 marks each):

1. Describe different methods used for generating electricity from solar energy?

2. Discuss two important forms of ocean energy.

3. Give a detailed account of method of harnessing hydel energy. Also make a mention of its potential, advantages and drawbacks.

4. Elaborate the structure of a nuclear reactor. What are advantages and risks associated with nuclear energy?