Friday 13 May 2022

chapter 6


 chapter 6



The natural resources are rapidly depleting day by day and the environment is getting degraded by human activities. It is not only the duty of the Governments to prevent this degradation. Rather every individual or social institute like non-government organisations, cultural, professional and reli-gious institutions, schools and colleges need to create public awareness about well being of the environment. In democratic country, politicians do support public supported movements positively.Thus when we all are concerned about the environment, the policy makers will certainly make green

policies. There is a common proverb that prevention is better than cure, and hence the protection of the environment is economically more viable than cleaning or repairing, once it is damaged.



For the present purpose, public awareness refers and makes the people conscious about the environment, its degradation and the future consequences. It also advocates environmental protec-

tion at all levels. The policy makers will also think and act if there are large numbers of voters, who insist environmental protection. Such awareness can be created through education, eco-clubs and population education programme compaigns.


Education : From the Vedic period, role of the education was to teach a child about his surroundings and his duties toward the protection of its surroundings or environment. Educational

institutions such as schools, colleges and universities can play a major role in creating public aware-ness for the protection of environment. Keeping this in view, the Hon ble Supreme Court of India has made environmental education, a compulsory subject at the school and college level. In developed nations literate people are very much concerned with their environment and avoid all actions which pollute the environment. In the developing countries, the literacy rate is relatively low that is why they are facing many environment related problems, For example, they do not understand the harm done by the plastic bags. The use of these bags has led to pollution of the environment in many ways.


At the government level, many centers of excellence have been set up to strengthen public awarenes and research in different areas of environmental science and management. These include

Center of Environment Education (CEE), Ahmedamad; CPR Environment Education Center (CPREEC), Chennai; Center for Ecological Sciences (CES), Bangalore and Center for Mining Environment (CME), Dhanbad since 1986,


The Ministry of Environment and Forests has been organising National Environment Awareness campaign every yeat, The main aim is to spread the message of environment conservation.


Eco-clubs : Public awareness can be created and executed through Eco-clubs. Such clubs should be formed in all educational institutions, villages, colonies and streets of different cities (Fig.6.1), Their aim should be to “think globally and act locally” to improve the environment.


on various environmental issues. Eco-clubs can undertake the following projects for spreading the message of clean environment :


They can celebrate days of special environmental significance given below to create environmental awareness.


With help of the Pollution Control Boards, the International Organisations like Rotary Intemational Organisation, Red Cross and Nationalized Banks, awareness can be cte-ated in the fields of biodiversity conservation, habitat preservation, soil, water and en-

ergy conservation and disaster preparedness.


Discussion and debates on local and national environmental hazards.


To undertake exhibitions in different regions on different themes of environment.


To spread environment protection message through newspapers, radio and television

programmes, multi-media  CDs, publications, posters and wall charts.


To arrange awareness programmes on different issues regarding environment through puppet shows and folk performances.


To arrange contests and competitions in educational institutions on environmental issues.


To propagate the creation of Biodiversity parks in different locations so that people can see different species, including endangered as well.


Population education programme cmapaign : The Government of India started an effec-tive Family Planning Programme, renamed as Family Welfare Programme to make the people aware about the dangers of population explosion. Though the slogan ‘isan do hanare do’ was given, yet it has not produced desired results and lot remains to be done in this direction. The healthy and family welfare agency of the Government with the help of eco-club, extension workers and other Non-Government Organisation should make the people aware about benefits of small family. The

mass media should also inform the people about the family size and ill effects as a growing population on different world resources.


The world is facing a major challenge as to how to fulfill the needs of increasing human popula-tion with limited resources. Accarding to a survey, there will be around 48 countries facing paucity of water by 2025. The air will become moer polluted. The growing population also adds an enormous amount of waste in the environment. Therefore, the family welfare programme has become rather

more important because population growth and the environment are closely linked and dependent upon each other,



The participation and involvement of general public is very important for the development and environmental protection. With the help of public, it is rather easier to implement any plan or programme related to environment.


At the international level there are so many well known environmental thinkers. Say for instance,Ralph Emerson (1840) long times back spoke about the danger of commerce to our environment.

Henry Thoreau (1860) wrote that wilderness should be preserved. John Muir is remembered for saving the great ancient Sequoia trees in Califomia forests, In 1890, he formed the Sierra Club for the conservation of environment in U.S.A.


Tn India also, there are number of persons who have been instrumental in shaping the environ-ment history in the country. Salim Ali, the Birdman of India was a leading coservation scientist. Mrs.


Indira Gandhi as Prime Minister played a very significant role in the conservation and preservation of

India wildlife. Similarly S.P. Godrej was one of the India's greatest supporters of wildlife conserva-

tion and nature awareness programmes. He was awarded Padam Bhushan in 1999 becanse of his conservation activities. Dr. M.S. Swaminathan, the famous agricultural scientist of India is also con-cerned with various aspects of biodiversity and has laid emphasis on the issue of conservation of biodiversity in India. M.C. Mehta is India’s most famous environment lawyer. Since 1984 he has filed good number of public interest litigations for the cause of environmental conservation. His most famous and long drawn battles supported by the Supreme Court include protecting the Taj Mahal and cleaning up the Ganges river. He pressurized the Government to implement environmental edu-cation in schools and colleges. Besides these individual conservationists, there are so many examples where people have come forward and showed great concem for the conservation of the environ-

ment. Sunder Lal Balmguna's Chipko movement has become an intemational example of highly suc-cessful conservation action programme with the help of local people to protect their forest resources in the Garhwal region of Uttranchal State. Mr. Bahuguna will always be remembered for his dedica-

tion to the environment conservation. In support of this cause he was walked over 20 thousand kilometers. This movement inspired the farmers of Sirsi region of Kammataka where they started the

Appiko movement to protest against the felling of forest plants including Teak and Eucalyptus. In Punjab, the best example of public participation is of Sukhomajri village in the Shivalik hills near Sukhna Lake of Chandigarh. Due to deforestation, the hills in this region got deunded and created certain problems for the region. Revegetation of hills and prevention of overgrazing were undertaken by the villagers themselves. This resulted in the dramtic improvement of the region. The soil erosion

has stopped and the irrigation needs of the village stand fulfilled. The crop and fodder production too have increased. The availability of fodder led to an increase in milk production. Such an attitude of the people of India as torch bearers will help in making the environment clean and healthy.



(A) Very short answer type questions (1 mark each) :

1. ‘Who started the Chipko Movement?

2. Name the ministry associated with environment and forests.

3. Where is the Center for Ecological Sciences located?

4. Where did the farmers start the Appiko Movement?


(B) Short answer type questions (2 marks each) :

1. Name two intemational environmental thinkers.

2. What was the Chipko Movement?

3. Give two suggestions for creating public awareness.

4, Name two environment related community movements that started in India.


(C} Short answer type questions (4 marks each):

1. Write a short note on role of eco-clubs.

2. How does education play a significant role in creating public awareness about environ-ment?

3. What are the major ill effects of the population explosion?


(D} Long answer type questions: (5 marks cach):

1, Highlight the need and role of community participation in development and enviranmen-tal protection.

2. Discuss some important ways for creating public awarness about environment.