Chapter 9
The rapid degradation of the environment due to
pollution has led to several global issues facing the modern world. These
global issues include depletion of ozone layer, global warming, protection
of water sources, protection of land sources, conservation
of biological diversity, management of hazardous chemicals and protection of
human health. The first two important global issues are dis-cussed here in this
The atmosphere is a gaseous envelope surrounding the
planet earth. It is divided into five zones,the troposphere, stratosphere,
mesosphere, thermosphere and exosphere. The troposphere is clos-
est to the earth's surface and extends upto a height
of 10km. The next division of the atmosphere, the stratosphere, extending from
10km to 45km above the earth's surface, contains a layer of ozone.This ozone
layer acts as a filter to prevent the entry of excessive amount of harmful
ultraviolet radia-tion into the atmosphere. In this way, it serves as a life
saving protective cover for all the life forms and helps in maintaining
relatively stable climatic conditions. Chemically, ozone is a bluish gas and
one molecule of ozone consists of three atoms of oxygen. The problem of ozone
layer depletion was
first noticed over Antartica in 1985. This ozone
hole was investigated with the help of highflying aircrafts and a high
concentration of chlorine was recorded in the upper atmosphere. It was
con-cluded that the chlorine had reacted with ozone and created this hole in
the ozone layer. In 1992, a relatively smaller hole in the ozone layer over the
Arctic was also detected.
The most important cause of depletion of ozone layer
is a group of chemicals known as chloroflurorocarbons (CFCs). These are
commercially important chemicals and are used as coolants in air conditoners
and refrigerators, as prepellants in aerosol cans, as foam for insula-tion and
packaging and as medical sterilizers. In addition to chlorofluorocarbons, halons found
in many fire extinguishers; methy] bromide, used as
a fumigant in agriculture; methyl chloroform,
used to degrease metals, and carbon tetrachloride
used in manufacture of pesticides and dyes,also deplete the ozone layer. Under
action of ultraviolet radiation, these chemicals breakdown
to release free chlorine atoms. This chlorine then
attacks the ozone and converts it into oxygen.As the chlorine atom itself
remains unchanged, a single chlorine atom is capable of breaking
thousands of ozone molecules. In this way, the ozone
layer is being depleted by chlorine freed from these chemicals.
The depletion of ozone layer would allow more amount
of ultraviolet radiation to reach earth's sutface. The excessive exposure to
these harmful radiations may cause serious health problems in
lnman beings. These include eye cataracts,
suppression of immume system, skin cancer and severe sun burns, The increased
amount of ultraviolet radiation is harmful to other living organisms too. It
may effect the growth and yield of food crops such as corn, rice and wheat. The
present in the aquatic ecosystems is very essential
for survival of different aquatic food-chains. It has been scienitifically
discovered that the increased exposure to ultraviolet radiation has reduced the
amount of phytoplankton population in surface waters around Antarctica. If this
trend continues, the food-chain of Antarctica which includes fishes, seals,
penguins, whales and sea birds will be ad-
versely affected and may dissappear in future.
In view of the potential economic, health and
environmental concerns, the problems of depletion of ozone layer has emerged as
a global issue facing the modern world. Since 1978, the United States has
completely banned the use of CFCs as propellants in products such as hair
sprays and antiper-spitants. The Montreal Protocol, 1987 is an important
international initiative to mitigate this climatic changes. More than 175
countries, including India have signed this agreement till-date. The agree-
ment aims at reducing the amount of CFCs being used
by different nations. Unfortunately, the CFCs are extremely stable chemicals
and will continue to deplete the ozone layer for years to come, At-tempts are
also being made to find the suitable altematives for CFCs.
The term green house refers to a framed or inflated
structure covered with a transparent or translucent matezial. It is used for
growing plants under controlled environment. The visible light from the sun
penetrates the transparent material of the green house and warms the ground
surface and
other objects placed inside. The heated surface and
objects then emit heat in the form of invisible infra-red radiation. This heat
or infra-red radiations cannot pass back through the glass of the green house
and are trapped inside. As a result of the warming effect so produced, the
temperature inside the green house increases and it is much higher than the air
The atmosphere surrounding the earth is like a large
green house. Carbon dioxide, water vapours,ozone, methane, nitrous oxide and
CFCs present in the atmosphere absorb the infra-red radiations and act like the
glass of a green house. This prevents the escape of infra-red radiations back
into the
space. The resulting trend of gradual increase in
the average temperature of the earth's atmosphere due to accumulation of green
house gases is termed as global warming.
The long term emission of carbon dioxide since
industrial revolution, alone has made 50-70 petcent contribution to the problem
of global warming. Its global amount has increased by more than
26 percent in the past 200 years. This increase is
primarily due to buming of fossil fuels, especially coal and oil in industries,
thermal power plants, automobile; deforestation and increased human
popu-lation. If the present rate of fossil fuel consumption and deforestation
continues, it is estimated that the amount of carbon diaxide will become double
by the end of 21st century. The levels of other green house gases such as
ozone, methane, CFCs and nitrous oxide produced from different sources ate also
rising at an alarming rate.
The probable impact of global warming is much
diversified. The average global temperature would be increased due to global
warming. This increase in temperature will result in melting of polar ice
sheets and it will raise the sea level. There exists a possibility that the sea
level may rise 18cm by
2030 and 58cm by 2090. This will result in flooding
of low lying coastal areas. In this way, millions of people will be displaced.
There will be more chances of damage by hurricanes and typhoons in
these areas. The countries such as Bangladesh,
Egypt, Vietnam and Mozambique are most vulner-able to such risks arising due to
rise in sea level. Global warming is also expected to change the rainfall
distribution pattern of the world. There may be an increase or decrease in
rainfall in different
areas. The arid and and semiarid areas may have to
face severe shortage of water. The frequency and intensity of storms may also increase.
The climatic changes due to global warming will pose
several problems for the agriculture. The flooding
of coastal areas will destroy the vast stretches of
agricultural low lands and deltas in Bangladesh,
India and China. The changes rainfall pattem would effect the crop yield and
food production. it may increase in some areas while there will be a decline in
crop yield and food production in some other areas. The warmer climatic
conditions would en-
hance insect breeding and there could be more damage
expected to crops form different insect pests. Several crops disease causing
organisms will probably proliferate and damage the crops. The
increased frequency of droughts may generate water
scarcity for cultivation of different crops.
Several possible effects of global warming on
animals and plants have been predicted by scien-tists. Global warming will have
a severe impact on plants because they cannot migrate directly to
new areas. Their migration takes places by dispersal
of seeds. The animal life inhabiting wetlands,coral reefs, polar seas,
temperate forests and mountain ecosystems is likely be affected by global
warming. The change in global temperature will influence different animal
species in different ways.
Some of the species having a narrow temperature
tolerance range will become extinct and the others will be reduced in number.
Some species may be able to get adapted to new climatic conditions in their
native places or they will migrate to other areas for survival. It is expected
that disease causing
organisms, insect pests of different crops and weeds
will be benefited from the global warming.These harmful organisms will further
enhance the health problems for man, animals and crops. All these probable
effects of global warming indicate that the climatic changes will have serious
implica-tions on human society, agriculture and living organisms.
During the past century, the population explosion,
industrilization, urbanization, extensive agri-culture, transportation and
deforestation have done a serious damage to the quality of our environ-ment.
The pollution of air, water and soil, depletion of ozone layer, global warming,
conservation of
biological diversity, management of hazardous wastes
and protection of human health have emerged as major challenges to the modern
world. These issues must be attended by devising appropriate
strategies and hence finding constructive solutions to improve the quality
of the environment. The
important strategies for reducing pollution and
improving the environment are discussed here:
Disposal and treatment of wastes : The industrial,
domestic and agricultural wastes are major sources of environmental pollution.
Approrpriate waste disposal and treatment tech-
niques can reduce the pollution to a considerable
extent. Many substances such as paper,plastic, glass, metal etc. present in the
solid waste may be separated and recycled. In this
technique the used items are collected, remelted and
reprocessed into new products. Recy-cling reduces the total amount of solid
waste and also generates employment opportunities for the people. The solid and
liquid wastes can be neutralized and detoxified by a number of toxicity of
different wastes. Some commonly followed physical processes are
sedimentation,filtration, evaporation, floatation, screening etc. Chemical
treatment includes neutralization of
acids and alkalis, precipitation and absorption or
activated charcoal, In biological treatment or bioremediation, the hazardous
waste is exposed to the action of micro-organisms. These
friendly bacteria convert the harmful waste into
harmless or less harmful substances. In addi-tion to proper treatment, the
disposal of wastes at relatively safer and stable sites also re-duces
environmental pollution.
Organic farming : Excessive use of chemical
fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides, and fumigants causes severe pollution of
air, water and soil. Continued use of inorganic fertilizers has dete-tiorated
the natural conditions of the soil. In this regard, organic farming is an
ecofriendly approach aimed at improving soil conditions and reducing pollution.
Following this tecnhique,the crops are grown without the use of synthetic
fertilizers and pesticides. Instead of using inorganic synthetic fertilizers,
organic farming involves use of farm yard manure, compost,vermicompost and
biofertlizers. Compost can be prepared from weeds, paper, food wastes,leaf
litter, branches and cattle dung, This also solves the problem of management of
solid waste. Now-a-days, different speices of earthworms are being utilized to
prepare vermicompost litter, crop residues, food waste and cattle dung (Fig
Biofertlizers are, useful blue green
algae and bacteria which live in soil and provide
nutrients to the ctops. They are environmentally safe, The worldwide demand for
organically produced crops is in-creasing every year.
Insect pest control : Many species of insects cause
damage to different crops and result in great economic losses. Different commercial
crops such as wheat, rice, sugarcane, maize, cot-
ton, potatoes etc. are attacked by numerous insect
pests. In order to minimize the yield logs, a wide range of synthetic chemicals
are applied to control the pest populations. The excessive use of chemical
methods leads to environmental pollution, besides the problem of resistance to
pesticides. These harmful effects have forced man to think about alternative
means of insect
pest control. Integrated Pest Management (IPM) is
one such strategy. It makes the use of all different methods in an integrated
fashion. The basic purpose of IPM is to reduce the use of chemicals, Biological
control is a method of controlling insect pests by their natural enemies.Both
these methods reduce the use of pesticides and hence are ecofriendly.
Afforestation : Forest are very essential for
maintaining ecological balance and stable cli-matic conditions. It is quite
unfortunate that the world's forests are disappearing at an alarm-
ing rate of 16.9 million hectare every year.
Afforestation is the best solution to combat this loss (Fig. 9.2.). It refers
to the growing of more forest with an aim to protect and improve the
environment. In addition to protection of the
environment, the afforestation also meets the needs of the public. In India,
only about 19.27 percent of the total geographical area is under
forest cover and there exists an urgent need for
Technological upgradation : Attempts are also being
made to develop better techniques and equipments for reducing environmental
particulate. The electrostatic precipitators, cy-
clone filters and wet scrubbers can be used to
remove the particulate matter from the gas-eous waste produced by industries,
before releasing it into the atmosphere. Similarly, the use
of catalytic converters in automobiles can minimize
the emission of carbon monoxide. Every year, thousands of incompletely burnt
dead bodies are dumped into the Ganges and other
rivers in India. The use of electric crematoria can
prove very helpful in reducing the pollution of river waters caused by
decomposition of these bodies. A number of transgenic crop vari-
eties have been developed through the tecnhiques of
genetic engineering. These varieties are resistant to attack by different
pests. After making a proper assessment of benefits and risks,
these transgenic crop varieties can be grown for use
as food, fooder and pharmaceuticals.The use of alternatives is also helpful in
ensuring safe environment. The ydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs) are less dangerous
than chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs).The use of compressed natural gas (CNG) in
motor vehicles causes less air pollution than diesel fuel. Efforts are being
mace to develop efficient technology for harnessing solar and wind energy. The
advanced techniques and instruments can reduce the environmental risks
associated with the hazardous wastes.
International efforts and legislation ; Different
international conference recommendations and agreements are of great importance
in raising a global concern about betterment of the
environmet by different nations. In this regard, the
United Nations Conference on Human Environment, covened at Stockholm in June
1972 was the first serious international effort. It invited attention of people
and governments towards the global recommendation for well being of the human
environment. A long term international programme known as United Na-tions
Environment Programme (UNEP) was started for protection of the environment.
Montreal Protocol, 1987 is an important international agreement to minimize the
amount of chlorofluorcarbons (CFCs) being used by different countries. More
than 175 countries, in-cluding India have signed this agreement till date. In
the first Earth Summit, 1992 held at Rio
de Janeiro, Brazil, the global issues of pollution,
deforestation and declining biological diver-sity were addressed and a need for
sustainable development was emphasized. Several laws have been enacted by
different nations for reducing pollution and protecting environment. As legal
measures in India, different acts relating to environment have been enacted
from time to
time. Some important Acts are, the Forest Act, 1927;
the Insecticides Act, 1968; The Forest Conservation Act, 1980; the Wildlife
(Protection) Act, 1972; the Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act,
1974; the Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1981, the Environment
(Protection) Act, 1986 and the Biological Diversity Act, 2003.
Environmental awareness : In addition to the above
discussed efforts, the public aware-ness and community participation is a must
for improvement and protection of the environ-ment. In this concem, a number of
international and national Non-Government Organizations (NGOs), clubs and
societies are playing a significant role. More and more people are being made
aware of the environmental issues. The ecological awareness is helpful in
reviving the
traditional approach towards ecology, nature, water
resources and wildlife in the minds of people.
(A) Very short answer type questions (1
mark each) :
1. What are atmosphere?
2. How many zones are there in the atmosphere?
3. In which zone of the atmosphere, the ozone layer
is present?
4. When was the depletion of ozone layer first
discovered 7
5. What is a green house?
6. What is the technique of recycling?
7. Which animal is used for preparing vermicompost?
8. What is a crop pest?
9, Whatis afforestation?
(B) Short answer type questions (2
marks each) :
1. What are different global issues facing the modem
2. How does the ozone layer protect the life on
3. What are chlorofluorocatbons?
4. What are green house gases?
5. How will the global warming change the sea level?
6. Whatis bioremediation?
7. What are biofextilizers?
8. Whatis green house effect?
(C) Short answer type questions (4 marks
1. How do the CFCs damage the ozone layer?
2. How is the green house effect produced?
3. What do you understand by global warming?
4. Write about the role of carbon dioxide as a green
house gas.
5. Howcan we minimize the use of pesticides and synthetic
Long answer type questions: (5 marks
1. White about the adverse effects of ozone layer
depletion. What steps have been taken to Initigate this climatic change?
2. What is the probable impact of green house effect
on agriculture, animals and plants?
3. Discuss organic farming and IPM as strategies for
reducing pollution.
4. Comment upon the role of technological
upgradation and public awareness for improv-ing environment.